
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

3.3.9 Settings for acquiring the NIO HTTP server log

This subsection describes the items that can be set up for acquiring the NIO HTTP server log.

The following table describes the settings that you can change for acquiring the NIO HTTP server log and parameters of the Easy Setup definition file corresponding to the items.

Table 3‒14: Settings for acquiring the NIO HTTP server log

Log or trace


Corresponding parameters of the Easy Setup definition file

Access log

Form of the access log

ejbserver.logger.access_log.nio_http.format in the <configuration> tag on a logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)#

File size of the access log

ejbserver.logger.channels.define.NIOHTTPAccessLogFile.filesize in the <configuration> tag on a logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)

Number of files of access log

ejbserver.logger.channels.define.NIOHTTPAccessLogFile.filenum in the <configuration> tag on a logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)

Trace based performance analysis


Specify acquisition condition, when you want to execute the cprfed command for performing a daily system operation same as for other trace based performance analysis. For details about acquiring the trace based performance analysis files, see 7. Performance Analysis by Using Trace Based Performance Analysis.


--: Not applicable


In the access log, you can customize the log output format by defining the format with the above-mentioned keys. For customization of the access log of the NIO HTTP server, see 6.11.2 Customizing the access log of the NIO HTTP server in the uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.