
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

D.8 Main updates in the functionality of 08-53

Organization of this subsection

(1) Simplifying implementation and setup

The following table lists the items that are changed to simplify implementation and setup:

Table D‒26: Changes made for simplifying implementation and setup


Overview of changes

Reference manual


Setting up a virtual environment corresponding to various hypervisors

Application Server can now be set up on a virtual server implemented by using various hypervisors.

Also, an environment with multiple co-existing hypervisors is also supported now.

Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide

Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 5

(2) Supporting standard and existing functionality

The following table lists the items that are changed to support standard and existing functionality:

Table D‒27: Changes made for supporting standard and existing functionality


Overview of changes

Reference manual


Invoking from OpenTP1 that supports transaction integration

Transactions can now be integrated when a Message-driven Bean operating on the Application Server is invoked from OpenTP1.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 4


A mail receiving function using APIs compliant with JavaMail 1.3 is now available by integrating with a mail server compliant with POP3.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 7

(3) Maintaining and improving reliability

The following table lists the items that are changed for maintaining and improving reliability:

Table D‒28: Changes made for maintaining and improving the reliability


Overview of changes

Reference manual


Improving the JavaVM troubleshooting functionality

The following functionality is now available as the JavaVM troubleshooting functionality:

  • The operations when OutOfMemoryError occurs can now be changed.

  • The maximum value for C heap to be allocated during JIT compilation can now be set up.

  • The maximum number of threads can now be set up.

  • The items output to the extension verbosegc information have been extended.

Maintenance and Migration Guide

Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 9

(4) Maintaining and improving the operational performance

The following table lists the items that are changed for maintaining and improving operational performance:

Table D‒29: Changes made for maintaining and improving operational performance


Overview of changes

Reference manual


Supporting JP1/ITRM

JP1/ITRM, a product that uniformly manages IT resources, is now supported.

Virtual System Setup and Operation Guide

1.3, 2.1

(5) Other purpose

The following table lists the items that are changed for other purpose:

Table D‒30: Changes made for other purposes


Overview of changes

Reference manual


Supporting Microsoft IIS 7.0 and Microsoft IIS 7.5

Microsoft IIS 7.0 and Microsoft IIS 7.5 are now supported as Web servers.



Supporting HiRDB Version 9 and SQL Server 2008

The following products are now supported as databases:

  • HiRDB Server Version 9

  • HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 9

  • HiRDB/Run Time Version 9

  • SQL Server 2008

Also, SQL Server JDBC Driver is supported as the JDBC driver for SQL Server 2008.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 3


--: Not applicable.