
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

18.4.2 Environment settings of the cluster server

This subsection describes the points to be remembered when you specify the settings in Management Server for a system that is linked with Windows Server Failover Cluster.

Reference note

The Management Server must be set up on the host in which Management Server is used for the first time. For the Management Server setup, see 4.1.14 Setting the management functionality in the uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings of the Easy Setup definition file

In the Easy Setup definition file of the Smart Composer functionality for the Management Server, you define the Web system and hosts. Note the following points when you define the hosts to set up logical servers, and define the configuration of each logical server:

Note the following points when you specify the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) and logical Web server (web-server).

(a) Setting logical J2EE servers

  • Settings for fixing the host

    You specify any value in the following parameters of the <configuration> tag for the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server), and fix the management host and operation host:

    • parameter# (Host name or IP address of the Administration Agent)

    • parameter (Host name or IP address of the EJB container for each J2EE server)

    • webserver.connector.nio_http.bind_host parameter (Host name or IP address used for the NIO HTTP server)

    # When you specify the mngagent.connector.port parameter along with the parameter, specify a different port number for each virtual host.

  • Global transaction settings

    For using the global transaction, specify the following settings in the following parameters of the <configuration> tag for the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server):

    • Specify 'false' in the ejbserver.distributedtx.XATransaction.enabled parameter (specify settings to enable or disable the light transaction functionality). By default, 'false' is set up.

    • Specify the directory for the shared disk device in the ejbserver.distributedtx.ots.status.directory1 parameter (location for saving the backup of the status file of the in-process OTS). By default, otsstatus is set up.

      Example settings


(b) Setting the logical Web server

The following settings must be specified in the <configuration> tag of the logical Web server (web-server):

  • Settings for fixing the host

    Specify the IP address or host name that receives the request in the Listen parameter and fix the host for the Web server.