
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

17.10 Starting and stopping a 1-to-1 node switching system for the Management Server (In UNIX)

This section describes how to start and stop the system when you use HA monitor-based 1-to-1 node switching system. This section also describes the starting and stopping procedure when maintenance is performed for the Management Server after starting the operations. Note that the HA monitor can only be used in AIX or Linux.

To use the 1-to-1 node switching system for operations, you must first specify the necessary environment settings such as preparing the two hosts of the active node and spare node and registering the script for monitoring, starting, and stopping the Management Server (in the 1-to-1 node switching system of the Management Server) to be monitored by the HA monitor. For details on method of setup, see 17.6 Settings of the 1-to-1 node switching system of Application Server (In UNIX) and 17.7 Settings of the 1-to-1 node switching system for the Management Server (In UNIX).

The following table lists and describes the operations that can be executed in the 1-to-1 node switching system of Management Server and the references for the operations:

Table 17‒4: Operations that can be executed in the 1-to-1 node switching system


1-to-1 node switching system of the Management Server

Starting the system


Stopping the system


Starting and stopping the system when there is planned node switching of the executing node and the standby node


Starting and stopping the system for maintenance


The following commands are provided by the HA monitor. For details, see the manual Reliable System Monitoring Functionality HA Monitor.

Organization of this section