
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

17.7.4 Copying the Management Server settings from the active node to the spare node

To set up the same environment for the active node and the spare node, you copy the Management Server-related settings from the active node to the spare node. You use the save and recovery command of the Management Server settings for copying various definition files of the Management Server that is specified in the active node, and the J2EE applications and resource adapters that are registered in the Management Server from the active node into the spare node.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Procedure for copying the Management Server settings

To copy the Management Server settings:

  1. Execute the mstrexport command in the active node.

    The mstrexport command collects the Management Server settings of the active node to be executed using the mstrexport command, and saves the collected information in a ZIP file. You specify the file name of the saved ZIP file in the mstrexport command argument.

    • Command storage location


    • Execution example

      mstrexport /tmp/work/

    Note that you can execute the mstrexport command regardless of the starting and stopping of the Management Server to be executed using the mstrexport command.

  2. Copy the ZIP file saved in step 1 from the active node into the spare node.

  3. Execute the mstrimport command in the spare node.

    The mstrimport command deploys the copied ZIP file in the Management Server of the spare node to be executed using the command. As a result, you can specify the same settings for the Management Server of the active node and the Management Server of the spare node.

    You specify the file name of the copied ZIP file in the mstrimport command argument.

    • Command storage location


    • Execution example

      mstrimport /tmp/recovery/

    Note that you can execute the mstrimport command only when the Management Server to be executed using the mstrimport command is not running.

For commands, see mstrexport (save Management Server management file) and mstrimport (restore Management Server management file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

(2) Defining the files to be collected

You can specify the file (file that defines the save target for the Management Server administrative file) that describes the collection target of the mstrexport command as the argument of the mstrexport command.

Execution example

mstrexport /tmp/work/ "/work/filelist.txt"

By default, you can collect the information required for building and operating a system in the Management Server such as various definition files of the Management Server, and the J2EE applications and resource adapters that are registered in the Management Server using the mstrexport command. In addition to this information, if you want to add user-created commands in the collection target of the mstrexport command, specify the absolute path of the file to be collected in the file that defines the save target for the Management Server administrative file.

Coding example of file



For files, see 8.2.13 Definition files to be saved for the Management Server management files in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.