
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

16.3.3 Editing the setup file

This subsection describes the points to be noted when you edit the setup file used in Management Server, while integrating the system with the cluster software. For details about the file, see 8.2.1 (Administration Agent property file) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Administration Agent settings

Among the items to be specified in (Administration Agent property file), this section describes the settings to be noted when integrating with cluster software.

(2) Management Server settings

Among the items to be specified in (Management Server environment setup file), this section describes the settings to be noted when integrating with cluster software.

(3) Settings for the property file for issuing Management events

The file (Property file for issuing Management events) is a setup file related to the J2EE servers; therefore, the file is created after you set up the system using the Smart Composer functionality. Specify the following key after the system setup:

(4) Settings for the Management Server management command (mngsvrutil)

Specify the following keys in the client-side definition file (.mngsvrutilrc) or client-side common definition file ( of the Management Server management command (mngsvrutil):

The file is used when the mngsvrutil command is executed with the script for monitoring, starting, and stopping Management Server.

(5) Settings for the commands provided in the Smart Composer functionality

Specify the following key in the client settings property file (.cmxrc) or client common settings property file (

(6) Settings for the invoke monitor command (In Windows)

You can only use the invoke monitor command in Windows.

Specify the following key in the .mngsvrmonitorrc file (invoke monitor setup file for JP1/IM integration). For details about the .mngsvrmonitorrc file, see 8.2.17 .mngsvrmonitorrc (Settings file of the monitor startup command for JP1/IM integration) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.