
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

15.2 Operations that can be implemented by linking with cluster software

This section describes an overview about the settings for integrating with the cluster software.

The cluster software is a program that aims to improve the reliability and operating rate of the system, and implements switching of the systems containing server programs. In Application Server, you can integrate the system with the following cluster software:

When you operate a system that is linked with the cluster software, if a failure occurs in the Application Server, the application server switches automatically. Therefore, you can execute the recovery process of the Application Server wherein the failure has occurred using the standby recovery server. Also, when failure occurs in the Management Server, you can switch to the Management Server that is set up in the standby mode. As a result, you can reduce the system downtime, and can improve the reliability and operating rate of the system.

Important note

When monitoring the failure of Administration Agent and Management Server, and then switching the systems linked with the cluster software, do not set up automatic restart in Administration Agent and Management Server.

In the systems of the Application Server, you can operate the systems linked with the cluster software for reducing the system downtime as per the failure. You can continue the operations even when failure occurs. In the Application Server, the following node switching functionality is used based on the linkage with cluster software:

In Application Server, by integrating the systems with the cluster software, you can operate the system using the node-switching configuration of the J2EE application execution environment.

The following table lists and describes the references of the node switching functionality according to the linkage with the cluster software.

Table 15‒2: Node switching functionality based on linkage with cluster software



1-to-1 node switching system

1-to-1 node switching of Management Server


Mutual node switching


Node switching system for the host unit management model


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