
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

8.3 Methods to output server statistics

The statistics on the operational statuses of the J2EE server or batch server can be monitored by using the management command (mngsvrutil).

To monitor the statistics, you specify the subcommand get in the management command (mngsvrutil), and then execute the command. This command can be used to send the operating information of the J2EE server to the standard output. The command can also be used to output the information to a CSV file or an SNMP integration format file.

You can specify the target to which the statistics are to be output in the arguments of get.

The execution format and example of execution while acquiring the statistics of a J2EE server are described below:

Execution format
mngsvrutil -m Management-Server-host-name[:port-number] -u management-user-ID -p management-password -t J2EE-server-name get domain-name-or-category-to-be-obtained
Execution example
mngsvrutil -m mnghost -u user01 -p pw1 -t J2EEServer1 get j2eeContainer

For details on the mngsvrutil command, subcommands, and information that can be acquired, see mngsvrutil (Management Server management command) and 7.3 Details of subcommands of the mngsvrutil command in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.