
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

5.2.6 Operations and references for J2EE applications

Tables 5-2 to 5-5 describe the operations of J2EE applications and the corresponding reference section of each operation. Note that the network resources or network drives can be accessed from J2EE applications only if the settings are specified beforehand; therefore, no tasks are performed during operations.

Table 5‒2: Monitoring and canceling the execution time of J2EE application

Operation contents


Operation overview

Reference manual


Confirming the execution status of a J2EE application

Server management command (cjlistthread)

Confirms the execution status of a running J2EE application.

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Canceling the request for which a timeout has occurred

Server management command (cjstopthread)

Cancels the request that is not finished from amongst the requests running in a J2EE application.


Table 5‒3: Locking a J2EE application

Operation contents


Operation overview

Reference manual


Service lock using a load balancer

Functions of load balancer

Locks a service with the following methods, when a load balancer is used in a Web front:

  • Changes the request distribution destination of a load balancer

  • Stops the load balancer

  • Stops only a part of the Web application that configures the service

This manual


Locking a service that uses CTM

Management command (mngsvrutil)

In a back-end system that uses CTM, when you want to stop the J2EE applications in a host at one time or you want to stop the J2EE applications sharing a queue at one time, directly lock the schedule queue of the J2EE applications.

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Table 5‒4: Stopping a J2EE application

Operation contents


Operation overview

Reference manual


Stopping a J2EE application

Server management command (cjstopapp)

Performs normal termination or forced termination of a J2EE application. You can set a timeout for normal termination, and can also execute forced termination automatically.

This manual


Table 5‒5: Replacing and maintaining a J2EE application

Operation contents


Operation overview

Reference manual


Replacing a J2EE application

Server management commands (cjstopapp, cjimportapp#)

Stops a J2EE application, and replaces with a new application. After replacing, restarts the J2EE application.

This manual


Replacing a J2EE application by re-deploying

Server management command (cjreplaceapp)

Replaces a J2EE application by re-deploying. You can replace a J2EE application in archive format with fewer procedures.


Replacing a J2EE application by reloading

Server management command (cjreloadapp)

Replaces a J2EE application by re-loading. You can replace a J2EE application in exploded archive format with fewer procedures.


Replacing a J2EE application to be executed after pre-compiling JSPs

Server management command (cjstartapp) or cjjspc command

Uses the JSP pre-compile function, and replaces a J2EE application after pre-compiling JSPs.


Renaming a J2EE application

Server management command (cjrenameapp)

Renames an application, and simplifies the management of a J2EE application before and after replacing.


Replacing a J2EE application that uses CTM in an online status

Management command (mngsvrutil)

Closes the outlet of the schedule queue and then replaces the J2EE application.

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In the case of a WAR application, the cjimportwar command is used.