
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

3.4.4 Settings for the execution environment (J2EE server settings)

To issue events using the statistics file, you must specify the J2EE server and J2EE application settings. You reference the J2EE application settings only when you want to set or change the properties of a J2EE application that does not contain cosminexus.xml.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting J2EE servers

Implement the J2EE server settings in the Easy Setup definition file. Specify the definition for issuing events of the <configuration> tag for the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server), in the Easy Setup definition file.

The following table describes the definition for event issuing specified in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 3‒25: Definition for event issuing in the Easy Setup definition file

Parameters to be specified

Setting contents

Specifies whether to enable the monitoring of the number of Full GC occurrences. The default value is true.

Specifies the threshold for event issuance during the monitoring of the number of Full GC occurrences.

Specifies the threshold watcher interval for the number of Full GC occurrences.

Specify whether to enable the monitoring of the entire pending request count of a Web container. The default value is true.

Specify the upper limit threshold value of the entire pending request count for a Web container.

Specify the lower limit threshold value of the entire pending request count for a Web container.

Specify whether to enable the monitoring of the pending request count of a Web container. The default value is true.

Specify the upper limit threshold value of the pending request count for a Web container.

Specify the lower limit threshold value of the pending request count for a Web container.

For details on the Easy Setup definition file and the parameters to be specified, see 4.3 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(2) Setting J2EE applications

You implement the J2EE application settings for the execution environment using the server management commands and the property files. You use the WAR property file to define the issuing of events.

The tags specified in the WAR property file correspond to cosminexus.xml. For details on the definitions of cosminexus.xml, see 3.4.3 Definition in cosminexus.xml.