
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

3.3.1 Information Types that You Can Collect in Statistics Files

The statistics file output functionality outputs the operating information to a statistics file for each function of the J2EE server and batch server. The information related to server performance and server resources is output to a statistics file as the statistics. The following table shows the target server functions and the types of statistics that can be acquired.

Table 3‒4: Types of the statistics that you can acquire with each function


Description of functionality

Type of the statistics


Java VM used by the J2EE server

  • JavaVM heap size

  • Number of copy GC occurrences

  • Number of Full GC occurrences

  • Number of classes loaded

  • Number of operational threads

  • Number of threads blocked due to monitor lock

  • Explicit heap size

  • Number of Explicit memory blocks in the Explicit heap area

  • Maximum size of Explicit memory block

  • Maximum size of Explicit memory block acquired in an HTTP session

  • Number of Explicit memory blocks acquired in an HTTP session

  • Explicit heap size managed by containers excluding the Explicit heap area acquired in an HTTP session

  • Explicit heap size managed by user applications and JavaVM

Process resource

Process resource used by the J2EE server

  • Number of threads

  • Number of file descriptors

Stateful Session Bean

Stateful Session Bean running on a J2EE server

  • Number of connection sessions

Stateless Session Bean

Stateless Session Bean running on a J2EE server

  • Number of pooled instances

  • Number of used instances in the pool

  • Number of pending requests

Message-driven Bean

Message-driven Bean running on a J2EE server

  • Number of pooled instances

  • Number of used instances in the pool

  • Number of messages received

DB Connector

DB Connector running on a J2EE server

  • Number of pooled PreparedStatement

  • Number of pooled CallableStatement

  • Frequency of invoking the PrepareStatement method

  • Frequency of invoking the PrepareCall method

  • Hit frequency of PreparedStatement in the pool

  • Hit frequency of CallableStatement in the pool

JCA resource

JCA resources that are used by resource adapters

  • Number of pooled connections

  • Number of used connections in the pool

  • Number of threads waiting for connection

  • Number of connection failures

Transaction service

Transaction services used by a J2EE server

  • Number of transactions resolved

  • Number of transaction rollbacks

Web Application

Web applications running on a J2EE server

  • Number of synchronous threads

  • Number of pending requests for Web applications

  • Number of entire pending requests for Web applications

  • Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for Web applications

  • Number of received requests

  • Number of responded requests

  • Number of sessions

Web container

Web containers running on a J2EE server

  • Number of synchronous threads

  • Number of pending requests for Web containers or number of default pending requests

  • Number of entire pending requests for Web containers

  • Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for Web containers

URL group

Control of number of concurrently executing threads for each URL group defined in Web applications

  • Number of synchronous threads

  • Number of pending requests for URL groups

  • Number of requests exceeding the upper limit of the number of requests pending for URL groups

  • Number of received requests

  • Number of responded requests


The following table describes the relationship of the number of pending requests for Web applications, Web containers, and URL groups.




Web application

Number of pending requests for Web applications

Among the requests executed in a Web container, the number of pending requests for a Web application that controls the number of synchronous threads for Web applications.

The number of pending requests for URL groups is not included.

Number of entire pending requests for Web applications

Among the requests executed in a Web container, the number of pending requests for a Web application that controls the number of synchronous threads for Web applications.

The number of pending requests for URL groups is also included.

Web container

Number of pending requests for Web containers or number of default pending requests

Among the requests executed in a Web container, the number of pending requests for a Web application that does not control the number of synchronous threads for Web applications.

Number of entire pending requests for Web containers

The sum of the number of pending requests for Web containers and the number of the entire pending requests for all the Web applications.

URL group

Number of pending requests for URL groups

Among the requests executed in a Web container, the number of pending requests for a specific URL group that controls the number of synchronous threads for URL groups in a Web application controlling the number of synchronous threads for Web applications.