
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

A.4 Major functional changes in 09-60

Organization of this subsection

(1) Implementing standard and existing functionality

The following table outlines the changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality.

Table A‒7: Changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

G1 GC support

G1 GC can now be selected.

System Design Guide


Definition Reference Guide


Support for the object-pointer compression function

The object-pointer compression function can now be used.

Maintenance and Migration Guide


(2) Maintaining and enhancing reliability

The following table outlines the changes made to maintain and enhance reliability.

Table A‒8: Changes made to maintain and enhance reliability


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Finalize-retention resolution function

A function that resolves a problem that delays execution of many finalize processes was added to prevent occurrence of a delay in releasing OS resources.

Maintenance and Migration Guide


(3) Other purposes

The following table outlines the changes made for other purposes.

Table A‒9: Changes made for other purposes


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Asynchronous output of log files

Log files can now be output asynchronously.

Definition Reference Guide
