
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

The handle method

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Obtains session information, assigns to it a reference to the WebSSOCallback object (Callback implementation class), and passes it to the login module in the single sign-on library.


public void handle(Callback[] callbacks)
  throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException;



If this parameter specifies a reference to the WebSSOCallback object, session information is set and returned. If it specifies a class other than this one, the handle method of CallbackHandler specified in the constructor is called.


This exception occurs in the handle method of CallbackHandler for each system.

This exception occurs when both of the following conditions coexist:

  • A reference to CallbackHandler for each system is not specified in the constructor (when null is specified).

  • This exception occurred in the handle method of CallbackHandler for each system.

Return value

Set a value for callbacks so that this value can be returned. This method does not return a value.