
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

The LdapUserDataManager constructor

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Creates an instance of the LdapUserDataManager class. User attribute information and object classes can be specified or omitted in an object or file.


public LdapUserDataManager(String name)
  throws ConfigError;
public LdapUserDataManager(String name,
                                AttributeEntry[] aliases)
  throws ConfigError, FormatError;
public LdapUserDataManager(String name,
                                String aliasesFile)
  throws ConfigError, FormatError, IOException, FileNotFoundException,
public LdapUserDataManager(String name,
                                AttributeEntry[] aliases,
                                ObjectClassEntry[] ocEntries)
  throws ConfigError, FormatError;
public LdapUserDataManager(String name,
                                AttributeEntry[] aliases,
                                String objclassesFile)
  throws ConfigError, FormatError, IOException, FileNotFoundException,
public LdapUserDataManager(String name,
                                String aliasesFile,
                                ObjectClassEntry[] ocEntries)
  throws ConfigError, FormatError, IOException, FileNotFoundException,
public LdapUserDataManager(String name,
                                String aliasesFile,
                                String objclassesFile)
  throws ConfigError, FormatError, IOException, FileNotFoundException,



Specifies the setup name of the LDAP directory server to be accessed. This name is defined in the configuration file for user management.


Specifies the array of AttributeEntry objects as user attribute information to be referenced or updated. If the specified parameter lacks necessary information, a FormatError exception occurs. If this parameter is omitted or if null is specified, the attribute cannot be referenced or updated, but the password can be updated.


Specifies the file name as user attribute information to be referenced or updated. If the specified parameter lacks necessary information, a FormatError exception occurs. If this parameter is omitted or if null is specified, the attribute cannot be referenced or updated, but the password can be updated.


Specifies the array of object classes to be used for creating or correcting entries on the LDAP directory server. If the specified parameter lacks necessary information, a FormatError exception occurs. If this parameter is omitted or if null is specified, an ObjectClassError exception occurs when user information is added or changed.


Specifies the name of the file that defines the object classes of entries on the LDAP directory server. If the specified parameter lacks necessary information, a FormatError exception occurs. If this parameter is omitted or if null is specified, an ObjectClassError exception occurs when user information is added or changed.


The specified file cannot be opened because it is missing or is a directory, or because of some other reason (when the exception is thrown in the constructor of the FileInputStream class).


SecurityManager is present, and read access to the file using SecurityManager's checkRead method has been rejected.

An attempt to read the file has failed.


The setup name was not found in the configuration file for integrated user management.


One or more of the aliases, aliasesFile, ocEntries, and objclassesFile parameters lacks necessary information or contains extra information.