
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

uachpw (Password change)

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uachpw [-scramble] [-ldap.n password] [-db.n password] useradmin_configfile


This changes the passwords used to access to the LDAP directory and DB servers in the integrated user management configuration file (ua.conf). It can also scramble passwords.

This command can be executed by the users with root privilege or permissions to execute the command. To learn more about granting permissions to execute the command to specific users, see mngenvsetup (setup management group) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.



Use this argument when scrambling the password to be changed.

-ldap.<n> <password>

This changes the password used to access the LDAP directory server specified by <n>. <n> contains the LDAP number defined in the integrated user management configuration file. <password> contains a new password.

-db.<n> <password>

This changes the password used to access to the DB server specified by <n>. <n> contains the JDBC number defined in the integrated user management configuration file. <password> contains a new password.


This specifies the integrated user management configuration file (ua.conf). This argument is not optional.


In the following example, the password defined in the integrated user management configuration file (ua.conf) is changed and scrambled by using the -scramble option.

% uachpw -scramble -ldap.0 diradmin -ldap.1 administrator -db.0 tiger ua.conf
