
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

6.2.3 Setup in an execution environment (J2EE application setup)

To configure Web container-based authentication in an execution environment, use the attributes file and server management commands. To configure Web container-based authentication using DD settings, use the WAR attributes file. The table below shows the definitions used in the WAR attributes file.

Table 6‒4: Web container-based authentication using DD settings (WAR attributes file)

Specified tag


<security-constraint> tag

Specifies the security restrictions.

<login-config>-<auth-method> tag

Specifies the method for Web container-based authentication.

You can use the WAR attributes file to configure the settings for a Web application already deployed on the J2EE server. You can use web.xml to configure the same settings for a Web application before deploying the application on the J2EE server. For details about the settings in web.xml, see 6.2.2 Definitions in DD files.