
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.18.3 Formatting used to register the user information

The single sign-on user information must conform to the formatting specified in the following table:

Table 5‒15: Formatting of single sign-on user information

Type of information



Realm name

The identifier that indicates the scope of user management

A string of alphanumeric characters; not case sensitive; specify the name that can be used in the DN.

User ID

The identifier that indicates the user of the application with the user management function

A string of alphanumeric characters; the length is 1 to 512 characters.


The authentication information that needs to be encrypted such as the user ID-specific password of the application with the user management function; specify the value used to authenticate the user. The value specified here is saved in the encrypted form.

A string of alphanumeric and special characters; the length is 0 to 512 characters.


The authentication information that the application with the user management function requires authenticating the user excluding the user ID and SecretData; the value specified here is not encrypted.

A string of alphanumeric and special characters; the length is 0 to 512 characters.

Note 1: A string of alphanumeric characters means a sequence of alphabetical characters (A to Z and a to z) and numbers (0 to 9).

Note 2: Special characters indicate the following symbols.

(white space) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ (underscore) ` { } | (vertical bar) ~

Note 3: Unless otherwise stated, characters are case-sensitive.

Note 4: Use ASCII characters. The program does not check grammar.