
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.16.3 Formatting used to register the user information

The user information must conform to the formatting specified in the following table.

Table 5‒13: Formatting of user information

Type of information



User ID

User identifier

A string of alphanumeric characters; the length is 1 to 512 characters.


User-specific password

A string of alphanumeric and special characters; the length is 0 to 512 characters.

Note 1: A string of alphanumeric characters means a sequence of alphabetical characters (A to Z and a to z) and numbers (0 to 9).

Note 2: Special characters indicate the following symbols.

(white space) ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ (underscore) ` { } | (vertical bar) ~

Note 3: Unless otherwise stated, characters are case-sensitive.

Note 4: Use ASCII characters. (The program does not check grammar.)

Note 5: When passwords are stored in the repository in plain text, do not use null characters (" ") for passwords. The users who use null character passwords may not be able to log in. If null characters are to be used as passwords, encrypt them by using SHA-1, etc.