
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.15.2 User registration and access permission setup

To connect (bind) to the LDAP directory in integrated user management, register the management & reference users and set access permissions.

The management user DN is referred to as the management bind DN, while the reference user DN is referred to as the reference bind DN.

The management bind DN is the bind DN that has all access permissions (Read, Write, Add, Delete, Search, Compare, and Selfwrite) to all the entries below the base entry used in the integrated user management framework and all the attributes assigned to these entries. This is used to register, reference, modify, and delete the user management information in the LDAP directory server.

The reference bind DN is the bind DN that has the Read and Search access permissions to all the entries below the base entry used in the integrated user management framework and all the attributes assigned to these entries. This is used to obtain the user information from the LDAP directory server.