
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.4.2 Registration of login user IDs

This section explains the registering of the user IDs of users who log into the integrated user management session.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Purpose of registering login user IDs

The purpose of registering the user IDs of users who log into the integrated user management session is as follows:

(2) Conditions in which to register login user IDs

The Cosminexus standard login modules that have the authentication mechanism automatically register the user IDs of users who log into the integrated user management session.

The custom login modules register the user IDs of users in the integrated user management session if they satisfy the following both conditions:

When multiple login modules are invoked in one call, the user IDs are not registered until a user logs in by using the Cosminexus standard login module that has the authentication mechanism or the login module that satisfies the above conditions. When no users use such modules for log in, the user IDs are not registered in the integrated user management session.

(3) Contents registered in the integrated user management session

Registered in the integrated user management session are realm names, user IDs, and login times.