
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.3.2 WebPasswordLoginModule

WebPasswordLoginModule is the login module that performs password authentication when there is a user information repository in the LDAP directory server.

It uses the entered user ID and password to retrieve the password from the user information stored in the LDAP directory server.

To use this module, pre-specify the definition to connect to the LDAP directory server and the attribute names used to retrieve entries (uid and userPassword) in ua.conf (the integrated user management configuration file).

WebPasswordLoginModule reads this file, obtains the user ID from HttpServletRequest to search for the password in the LDAP directory server, and then uses the password to perform password authentication. When authentication is successful, it returns the user attributes. The following figure shows an overview of WebPasswordLoginModule.

Figure 5‒12: Overview of WebPasswordLoginModule
