
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.2.1 Purpose of integrated user management

Traditionally, business systems deployed at a company manage their users in their own unique ways in order to meet the business requirements. For example, the working hour management system identifies the employees registered in the employee database as the system users, and the material ordering system identifies the cost management departments as the system users. Recently, the advancement of Intranet technology eliminates the need to install system-specific client programs, and enables users to use these business services through a Web browser. However, operation for user authentication in accordance with the system-specific user management procedures is still necessary. For example, email IDs, employee numbers, and department codes must be used to log into the internal email system, for working hour management, and for material ordering services, respectively. It is difficult to provide a new service that integrates these system services and simplifies access to them.

The integrated user management framework is a user management framework that uses JavaEE technologies to integrate these services. The following figure shows an example of the integrated user management framework.

Figure 5‒1: Example of the integrated user management framework
