
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

1.4.2 Implementing standard and existing functionality

The following table outlines the changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality.

Table 1‒7: Changes made to enable implementation of standard and existing functionality


Overview of changes

Reference manual

Relevant information

Support for Servlet 3.0/3.1

Asynchronous servlets in Servlet 3.0 and the Async I/O API in Servlet 3.1 are now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide


Support for EL 3.0

EL 3.0 is now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide


Support for JSF 2.2

JSF 2.2 is now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 3

Support for JAX-RS 2.0

JAX-RS 2.0 is now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 4

Support for WebSocket 1.0

WebSocket 1.0 is now supported.

Web Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 5

Addition of the NIO HTTP server functionality

The NIO HTTP server functionality was added as an in-process HTTP server that supports asynchronous servlets and non-blocking I/O processing such as WebSocket, instead of the conventional redirector and in-process HTTP server functionality.

Web Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 6

Support for JPA 2.1

JPA 2.1 is now supported so that a JPA provider supporting JPA 2.1 can be used.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 5

Support for CDI 1.2

CDI 1.2 is now supported.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 8

Support for BV 1.1

Bean Validation 1.1 is now supported.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 9

Support for Java Batch 1.0

Batch Applications for the Java Platform (Java Batch) 1.0 is now supported.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 10

Support for JSON-P 1.0

Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P) 1.0 is now supported.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 11

Support for Concurrency Utilities 1.0

Concurrency Utilities for Java EE 1.0 is now supported.

Common Container Functionality Guide

Chapter 12

WebSocket communication support

A function that relays WebSocket communication from an HTTP server to a J2EE server was added.

HTTP Server User Guide
