
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

8.11.1 Overview of processing when using the vbj command

CJMPMessageFileHandler is provided as a file handler of the user logs of EJB client applications. When using the vbj command, you specify an output destination file for the CJMPMessageFileHandler log, log levels, number of log files, and filters and formatters to be used, in the configuration file for user logs of EJB client applications.

When implementing the user log functionality, you specify an output destination file of the CJMPMessageFileHandler log, log levels, number of log files and filters and formatters to be used, in the configuration file for the user logs of EJB client applications. You must perform coding in such a way that the configuration file for a user log is read in a user application program.

When executing a command to start an EJB client application, the configuration file is read from the user application program, and is specified in the system properties of the EJB client application.