
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

8.10 Setting the user log output of EJB client applications (When using the cjclstartap command)

This section describes the settings used to output the user logs of EJB client applications.

The method of setting user logs of EJB client applications varies with the commands used to start the EJB client applications. This section describes the settings, when starting an application using the cjclstartap command.

When using the cjclstartap command, you set up a user log in the property file ( of an EJB client application. In the keys starting with ejbserver.application, specify the output destination file of user logs, log levels, number of log files, and filters and formatters to be used. For details on the keys that you can specify, see 3.2.2 (User property file for batch servers) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Also, you specify a JAR file for the class path in the option definition file (usrconf.cfg) of the EJB client application. For details on setting the JAR file for a class path, see 3.7.4 Setting JAR files for class path of EJB client applications in the uCosminexus Application Server EJB Container Functionality Guide.