
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

8.3 Log format

When you use the user log functionality, log is output in the following format:

Number Date Time


pid tid


Message text


The following table describes the output contents of items in the above format.

Table 8‒3: Log format


Output contents


The serial number of trace code (four digits) is output. The number starts from 0000 and returns to 0000, when the number reaches 9999.


The date (yyyy/mm/dd format), during the output, is output.


The time (hh:mm:ss.nnn format), during the output, is output.


The application-distinguished name is output. You specify the application-distinguished name within 16 bytes. If the length limit is exceeded, the value after that limit is truncated.


The process-distinguished name (hexadecimal) is output. This value differs from the value that manages the OS.

In the case of a log output by using CJMessageFileHandler, the hash value that is assigned to the Runtime instance by JavaVM is output.

In the case of a log output by using CJMPMessageFileHandler, the lower level 32 bits, during the time (in milliseconds) at which Hitachi Trace Common Library is loaded by JavaVM, is output.


The thread-distinguished name (hexadecimal) is output. This is a hash value assigned to the Thread instance by JavaVM. This value differs from the value that manages the OS.


The message ID is output. You specify a message ID within 21 bytes. If the length limit exceeds, the value after that limit is truncated.

Message text

This is a message body. This is a string that does not contain the control characters such as CR (0x0D), LF (0x0A), NULL (0x00), and EOF (0x1A). You specify a length from 0 through 4,095 characters. If the length limit exceeds, the value after that limit is truncated. Note that if you include control characters, output contents are not guaranteed.


The record terminal code (0x0D or 0x0A) is output.