
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

8.2.1 Overview of the user log output

The log, output by J2EE applications, batch applications, and EJB client applications, is called user log. With Cosminexus, you can output user logs in the Hitachi Trace Common Library format (user log functionality). Therefore, you can handle system logs and application logs in the same format, and this results in improving the reliability of log operations of the entire system.

The following figure shows the procedure for log output by using the user log functionality.

Figure 8‒1: Procedure of the user log functionality


You use the J2SE standard log output functionality (Java logging API) to output user logs. For using this functionality, execute the user log output with the Java logging APIs.

Reference note

You cannot execute the user log output from a resource adapter. Note that you can execute the user log output from a Message-driven Bean that is invoked from the resource adapter.