
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

4.5.4 Displaying a list of batch application information

You can display a list of items such as the status of batch applications (running or standby) and the start time of batch execution commands as the batch application information. This subsection describes the list display of the batch application information.

Organization of this subsection

(1) How to display a list of batch application information

To display a list of batch application information, directly execute the cjlistjob command, irrespective of whether you are using JP1/AJS.

You can acquire the batch application information in the following units:

In the argument of the cjlistjob command, you specify the schedule group name, to which the batch server (for which you want to acquire the batch application information) belongs, or the -all option. You can specify multiple schedule group names. If you specify the -all option, you can acquire the batch application information of all the schedule groups that are used by the batch servers of the same machine.

(2) Processing for displaying a list of batch application information

If you execute the cjlistjob command, you can acquire information of the running batch applications in the schedule group, specified in the argument or in key of usrconf.cfg (option definition file for batch applications). The batch application information is output to the standard output.

The following table describes the batch application information that you can acquire.

Table 4‒4: Batch application information that you can acquire

Item in batch application information that can be acquired


Schedule group name

The name of a schedule group, in which the batch application execution requests are distributed, is output.

Status of batch application

running, waiting, or forceStopping is output. running, waiting, and forceStopping indicate that the status of batch applications is RUNNING, WAITING, and FORCESTOPPING respectively. For details on the status of batch applications, see 4.5.1 Status transition of batch applications using the scheduling functionality.

Batch application name

The class name of a batch application, specified in the cjexecjob command, is output.

Root application information of the performance analysis trace

The communication number of a root application of the performance analysis trace is output.

You can check the status of batch applications by mapping with the root application information output to the performance analysis trace file.

Execution time of the batch execution commands

The time of the cjexecjob command execution is output in the following format. Note that Δ indicates a single byte space.


yyyy: Christian year, mm: Month, dd: Date, hh: Hour, mm: Minute, ss: Second, ssssss: Microsecond

Standby start time, execution start time, and forced stop reception time of batch applications

For every status of batch applications, the time at which the status of a batch application starts is output with the following format. Note that Δ indicates a single byte space.


yyyy: Christian year, mm: Month, dd: Date, hh: Hour, mm: Minute, ss: Second, ssssss: Microsecond

Job ID

The job Id of a batch application is output.

Batch server name on which batch applications are running

The name of the batch server, on which batch applications are running, is output. When the status of a batch application is waiting, "-" is output.

If a batch application does not exist, nothing is output even if you execute the cjlistjob command. In this case, the cjlistjob command ends successfully.

The following example describes the format and the output of the cjlistjob command. Note that Δ indicates a single byte space.

Output format of the cjlistjob command

Schedule-group-name Δ State-of-batch-application Δ Batch-application-name Δ Root-application-information-of-performance-analysis-trace Δ Execution-time-of-batch-execution-command Δ Standby-start-time-,-execution-start-time-and-forced-stop-reception-time-of-batch-application Δ Job-ID Δ Batch-server-name-on-which-batch-application-is-running
Schedule-group-name Δ State-of-batch-application Δ Batch-application-name Δ Root-application-information-of-performance-analysis-trace Δ Execution-time-of-batch-execution-command Δ Standby-start-time-,-execution-start-time-and-forced-stop-reception-time-of-batch-application Δ Job-ID Δ Batch-server-name-on-which-batch-application-is-running

Output example of the cjlistjob command

JOBGROUP running 0x0000000000123456 2008/04/14 17:27:35.689012 2008/04/14 17:27:37.182777 HOGE MybatchServer1
JOBGROUP running 0x00000000002345678 2008/04/14 17:45:20.123456 2008/04/14 19:21:56.271354 102 MybatchServer2
JOBGROUP running 0x000000000034567890 2008/04/14 18:15:54.397890 2008/04/14 19:00:00.123447 #5HL390_G3CV7 MybatchServer3
JOBGROUP waitting 0x000000000045678901 2008/04/14 18:30:24.125444 2008/04/14 18:30:25.006220 112345 -

This example shows that in the schedule group JOBGROUP, batch applications are running on MybatchServer1, MybatchServer2, and MybatchServer3. Also, an execution request of the batch application batchApp4 is on standby.