
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

3.7.5 Holding requests if a J2EE server terminates abnormally

If a J2EE server terminates abnormally, the requests in the schedule queue are held for a certain length of time.

For this reason, errors are not immediately returned to users when a J2EE server terminates abnormally. In addition, the schedule queue continues to receive requests from clients until the J2EE server restarts. The schedule queue can receive requests while it is not full. Therefore, if a J2EE server fails, you can continue operation without clients noticing the failure by restarting the J2EE server immediately. Note, however, that errors are returned to the clients if the number of queued requests exceeds the maximum.

To set this function, specify the -CTMQueueDeleteWait option when executing the ctmstart command. For details about this command, see ctmstart (start CTM daemon) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

The following figure shows an overview of holding requests if a J2EE server terminates abnormally.

Figure 3‒20: Overview of holding requests if a J2EE server terminates abnormally
