
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

3.6 Dynamically changing the number of concurrent executions of requests

When CTM performs flow-volume control of requests, it can also dynamically change the number of concurrent executions of requests for a schedule queue without stopping CTM daemons. This function can temporarily increase or decrease the number of concurrent executions according to the processing of services managed by schedule queues.

The following table shows the structure of this section.

Table 3‒4: Structure of this section (dynamically changing the number of concurrent executions of requests)

Topic type




Mechanism of dynamically changing the number of concurrent executions



Values that can be specified for the number of concurrent executions



Checking the operating status of CTM schedule queues


Changing the maximum number of concurrent executions for a CTM schedule queue


Note: This section does not provide Implementation and Notes types of topics that are specific to this function.

Dynamic change of the number of concurrent executions in CTM is executed by using the ctmchpara command. For details about changing the number of concurrent executions for a schedule queue, see 3.6.4 Changing the maximum number of concurrent executions for a CTM schedule queue. For details about the ctmchpara command, see ctmchpara (change the number of concurrent executions for schedule queues) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.


The number of concurrent executions for a schedule queue changed by the ctmchpara command is effective until the CTM daemon is terminated. The change is not applied to parallel count set for an individual J2EE application. If a J2EE application is restarted by restarting the CTM daemon, the value of parallel count set for that J2EE application takes effect.

Organization of this section