
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

3.2.1 Purpose of request scheduling

In a large-scale business system, many requests might concentrate on the J2EE server that is executing a specific J2EE application. To execute jobs smoothly with load on servers balanced and system availability maintained, the business system needs to distribute requests to multiple destinations and control the volume of requests that flow in any given period. In a configuration in which processing is distributed to multiple J2EE servers, to improve overall system performance, the business system needs to send an issued request to the J2EE server that is least heavily loaded.

Request scheduling allows a system to execute the above required processing, and is key to stable system operation and optimal use of each J2EE server. In addition, overall system availability improves because if a problem occurs in a specific J2EE server, J2EE application, or business-processing program (Enterprise Bean), the system can continue processing in reduced mode by isolating only the affected sections.

Request scheduling allows the application server to provide the following six functions: