
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

2.3.4 Displaying list of batch application information

You can display a list of information such as state of the running batch applications and start time of batch execution commands as batch application information. This subsection describes the list display of batch application information.

Organization of this subsection

(1) How to display a list of batch application information

To display a list of batch application information, you directly execute the cjlistjob command irrespective of whether JP1/AJS is used.

You can acquire the batch application information in the unit of a batch server. In arguments of the cjlistjob command, you specify the batch server name for which you want to acquire the batch application information.

(2) Processing of displaying a list of batch application information

If you execute the cjlistjob command, you can acquire information of batch applications running on the batch server that is specified in the argument. The batch application information is output to the standard output format.

The following table describes the batch application information that you can acquire.

Table 2‒6: Batch application information that you can acquire

Item of batch application information that you can acquire


State of batch application

running is output. running shows the RUNNING state of a batch application. For details, see 2.3.1(2) State transition of a batch application.

Batch application name

Class name of batch application specified in the cjexecjob command is output.

Root application information of performance analysis trace

Communication number of root application of performance analysis trace is output.

You can check the state of batch application by comparing with the root application information that is output to the performance analysis trace file.

Execution time of batch execution command

The time, at which cjexecjob is executed, is output in the following format. Δ shows a single byte space.


yyyy: Western calendar year, mm: Month, dd: Day, hh: hour, mm: Minute, ss: Second, ssssss: Microsecond

If there is no batch application, nothing is output even if you execute the cjlistjob command. In such case, the cjlistjob command ends normally.

The following example shows the output format and the output example of the cjlistjob command. Δ shows a single byte space.

Output format of cjlistjob command


Output example of cjlistjob command

running 0x0000000000123456 2008/04/14 17:27:35.689012

This example shows that a batch application that started on 2008/4/14 17:27:35.689012, on the batch server specified in argument of the cjlistjob command is being executed.