
uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

8.4.4 Tuning parameters for optimizing the method of invoking the Enterprise Bean

This section explains the methods for setting up the tuning parameters that are used for optimizing the method of invoking an Enterprise Bean.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Using the local interface

Use the local interface defined in J2EE for creating an application.

(2) Using the local invocation functionality of the remote interface

This subsection explains how to set up the tuning parameters for the local invocation functionality of the remote interface.

You specify the items listed in the following table using the Smart Composer functionality and define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 8‒19: Tuning parameters of a local invocation functionality of the remote interface

Setup item

Setup target

Location of setup

(parameter name)

Scope of local invocation optimization functionality

Logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)


(3) Using the pass by reference functionality of the remote interface

This subsection explains how to set up tuning parameters for the pass by reference functionality of the remote interface.

You specify the items listed in the following table using the Smart Composer functionality and define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 8‒20: Tuning parameters of the pass by reference functionality of the remote interface (items to be specified using the Smart Composer functionality)

Setup item

Setup target

Parameter name

Usage of the pass by reference functionality of the remote interface (each J2EE server)

Logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)


You specify the items listed in the following table using the server management command (cjsetappprop), and define the parameters in the Session Bean property file or Entity Bean property file.

Table 8‒21: Tuning parameters of the pass by reference functionality of the remote interface (items to be specified using the server management command (cjsetappprop))

Setup item

Parameter name

Usage of the pass by reference functionality of the remote interface (each Enterprise Bean)
