
uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

5.2.2 Estimating the resources used by Administration Agent

This subsection describes the estimation of resources used by Administration Agent for each OS.

Organization of this subsection

(1) In Windows

The formula for calculating number of threads when using Windows is as follows:

The formula for calculating the number of threads when the logical server is in running status is as follows:

(2) In UNIX

This section describes the formula for calculating the number of threads and file descriptors required when using UNIX.

(a) Number of threads

The formula for calculating number of threads is as follows:

  • Formula for calculating number of threads

    Number-of-threads-used = 30+5×number-of-logical-servers#

    #: Consider the number of logical servers as 2 when calculating logical CTM.


    • 30: Number of threads used by Administration Agent

    • 5: Number of threads used by Administration Agent for one logical server

The formula for calculating the number of threads when the logical server is in running status is as follows:

  • Formula for calculating number of threads at usual time

    Number-of-threads-used = 30+5×number-of--logical-servers#

    #: Consider the number of logical servers as 2 when calculating logical CTM.


    • 30: Number of threads used by Administration Agent

    • 5: Number of threads used by Administration Agent for one logical server

(b) Number of file descriptors

The formula for calculating the number of file descriptors is as follows:

  • Formula for calculating number of file descriptors

    Number-of-file-descriptors-used = 20+number-of-processes-configuring-the-logical-server×6


    • 20: Number of file descriptors used by Administration Agent

    • 6: Number of file descriptors used by Administration Agent for one process each for configuring logical server

The formula for calculating number of file descriptors when the logical server is in running status is as follows:

  • Formula for calculating number of file descriptors at usual time

    Number-of-file-descriptors-used = 20+number-of-processes-configuring-the-logical-server×3


    • 20: Number of file descriptors used by Administration Agent

    • 3: Number of file descriptors used by Administration Agent for one process each for configuring logical server