
uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

4.1.2 Procedure for designing the system configuration

Design the system configuration according to the following procedure:

Figure 4‒2: Flow of designing the system configuration (for a batch application execution platform)


Organization of this subsection

(1) Determining the format for starting the application

Determine the format for starting batch applications. Choose from the following two types:

If you choose to start the application on batch servers, it will lead to the following items to be determined. If you choose to use the cjclstartap command, the following items to be determined will not be applicable:

(2) Determining the method of using a transaction

For connecting to resources, determine the method of using a transaction. Choose from the following two types:

For details about the configuration of the resource adapter and resources if you are using DB Connectors, see 3.3.2 Resource types and resource adapters. However, for a batch server, you can connect only to the database, as a resource.

(3) Checking the security settings

Start the batch server after disabling security protection with SecurityManager.

(4) Deploying a process to output the performance analysis trace file

Check if the PRF daemon (performance tracer) that is a process to output the performance analysis trace file is deployed. Deploy a PRF daemon on each batch server.

(5) Determining the methodology for operating management and operation monitoring

Check if the Management Server that is a process for executing operating management and operation monitoring is deployed. For a batch application execution platform, the Management Server is deployed on the same machine as the batch server (use the host unit management model).

(6) For using other functionality

Determine the following configurations according to the functionality to be used: