
uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

2.6.2 Determining the processes to be used and preparing the required software

In Application Server systems, the system configuration is determined according to the types of the processes to be used and their deployment.

In this section, first of all, the necessary processes and software are described. After that the processes, modules, and software required for the functions that you want to use are described. Note that the methods of deploying these processes, modules, and software are described in 4. Determining the System Configuration (Batch Application Execution Platform).

Organization of this subsection

(1) Required processes

The required processes are as follows. These processes are required commonly and have no relation to the functions to be used. The processes are provided by Application Server.

(2) Processes and modules required for the functions to be used

The processes and modules required for the functions to be used are described here. Some of these processes and modules are provided by Application Server and some are provided by software other than Application Server.

Among the processes required for each function to be used, the following table describes the processes that are provided by Application Server. You can invoke these processes on the machine where Application Server is installed.

Table 2‒9: Processes and modules required for each function (provided by Application Server)


Necessary processes

Management using the Management Server

Management Server

Administration Agent

Scheduling the execution of the batch application using CTM

CTM daemon

CTM regulator

CTM domain manager

Global CORBA Naming Service

Smart Agent

Among the processes and modules required for each function to be used, Table 2-10 and Table 2-11 describe the processes and modules provided by products other than Application Server.

Table 2‒10: Modules required for each function (provided by products other than Application Server) and software to be provided



Provided by


Connecting to the database


HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver

  • HiRDB Server Version 10

  • HiRDB/Run Time Version 10

  • HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 10

  • HiRDB Developer's Suite Version 10

  • HiRDB Server Version 9

  • HiRDB Server with Additional Function Version 9

  • HiRDB/Run Time Version 9

  • HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 9

  • HiRDB Developer's Suite Version 9

This module is required for using the HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver as a JDBC driver.

Connecting to the database


Oracle JDBC Thin Driver

  • Oracle JDBC Thin Driver

This module is required for using Oracle JDBC Thin Driver as a JDBC driver.

Connecting to the database

(SQL Server)

SQL Server JDBC Driver

  • SQL Server JDBC Driver

This module is required for using the SQL Server JDBC Driver as a JDBC driver.

Connecting to the database


HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver

  • HiRDB Server Version 10

  • HiRDB/Run Time Version 10

  • HiRDB/Developer's Kit Version 10

  • HiRDB Developer's Suite Version 10

This module is required for using the HiRDB Type4 JDBC Driver as a JDBC driver.


The module is included and executed in the processing of batch servers.

Table 2‒11: Processes required for each function (provided by products other than Application Server) and software to be provided


Necessary processes

Software to be provided

Switch the node using cluster software when failure occurs

Windows Server Failover Cluster

Windows Server Failover Cluster

HA monitor

HA monitor