
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

I.1 Notes on the installation and un-installation of Application Server

This subsection separately describes the notes on the installation and un-installation of Application Server for the times at which the operations are performed.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items to be checked before operations



New installation

Update installation


Common to OSs

All the directories other than those storing the customized files, such as user-defined files, are deleted. Therefore, do not store required files in the product directory.

The directories to be deleted are deleted unconditionally. Therefore, do not store user-specific files in these directories.




If you install and un-install this product version or the evaluation version, and then install an earlier product version, make sure that the environment (Application-Server-installation-directory\CC, or /opt/Cosminexus/CC) created with this version does not remain in the installation destination. If the environment created with this version is retained, the version is not migrated to the earlier version; therefore, the product operations and the update installation performed later might not function properly. If the environment created with this version is retained, change the installation destination, or delete or migrate the environment created with this version, and then install the product.




When you perform an update installation (migration from a previous version) or overwrite installation of Application Server, the installer initializes the files that Application Server provides. For this reason, we recommend that you back up any necessary files under Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk before running the installer.

Note that files under Application-Server-installation-directory\jdk that are not related to Application Server will be left in place. Delete or move these files as needed.

For information about how this version of the installer differs from past versions and other details about update and overwrite installations, see 10. Migrating from Application Server of Earlier Versions (In the J2EE Server Mode) in the Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide.




Common to Windows

This product cannot be installed in an environment where an earlier Application Server product considered as a successor product, is installed. In this case, un-install the installed earlier products and then install this product.




Before you install the product, check the disk space at the installation destination, and make sure that the space required for installation is allocated.




For the update installation of the product, make sure that you make a backup for the required files, such as the user-created files, before installation.

Also, in the case of an update installation to a different version (the version is upgraded), if you copy and operate the files provided with the product to another directory, copy the newly installed files after update installation and then perform the operations.




Before you install and un-install the product, terminate the running applications. Terminate the resident programs as well.




If this product is installed or un-installed while the programs and services provided by this product are running, an error might occur. Install or un-install this product after stopping the programs and services provided by this product and the programs and services that are no longer required.




If this product is installed or un-installed while the files provided by this product are in use, an error might occur. Install or un-install this product when the files provided by the product are not in use.




With an environment where the Hitachi Web Server service is registered, stop the Hitachi Web Server service before you perform update installation with the same version (overwrite).




When you start the installation and un-installation of the product and component software, a dialog box indicating the preparation of setup is displayed. Do not click the Cancel button in this dialog box.




Do not perform an update installation that will lead to the installation of an earlier version.




Do not specify accounts other than the default local system account in the logon accounts of the Management Server and Administration Agent services. However, when network resources are accessed from a J2EE application, specify settings so that the logon account of the Administration Agent service belongs to the Administrators group of the local host.




You cannot install HTTP Server in an environment where a stand-alone Web Server is installed. Un-install the stand-alone Web Server and then install HTTP Server.




Before you un-install a stand-alone Web Server, make a backup of the required files.




To install the product in an environment where a stand-alone Web Server is installed, migrate the files (config files such as httpsd.conf, and the user-created contents) used with the stand-alone Web Server, and make the necessary corrections so that the files correspond to the new installation directory.




Do not specify the files and directories beneath system-drive:\Windows\System32 directory in the installation destination.




Common to UNIX

To use the following products, make sure that the common modules of the products are installed:

  • Application Server

  • Service Platform

Also, if Common Library of Application Server Version 6 or earlier is already installed, un-install Common Library, and then install the common modules of the products.




Use the PP installer for installing and un-installing the products. The root permissions are required for installation and un-installation.




Un-install Trace Common Library as and when required, when the component software of the products is un-installed. However, if the un-installation of Trace Common Library fails and a message is displayed, you can also execute a command to un-install Trace Common Library alone.

To un-install, execute the following command:


The menu is displayed. Select 9 for a normal un-installation and 0 for a forceful un-installation.




If the installation directory is changed, the installation becomes a new installation.




After OS installation, the host name is set up for the IP address in the /etc/hosts file by default. To use TPBroker for communication, the host name must be set up for the IP address allocated to the network interface. Therefore, specify an appropriate IP address, allocated to the network interface, for the host name in the /etc/hosts file.




After OS installation, the host name is set up for the IP address in the /etc/hosts file by default. To use Performance Tracer, the host name must be set up for the IP address allocated to the network interface. Therefore, specify an appropriate IP address, allocated to the network interface, for the host name in the /etc/hosts file.




For Application Server and Service Platform, check whether disk space is available at the installation destination. For details on the disk occupancy, see the Release Notes.




For Application Server and Service Platform, check whether disk space is available in the temporary directory (/tmp). For details on the disk occupancy, see the Release Notes. If there is no space in /tmp, specify a directory with space in the environment variable TMPDIR and then install the products.





Y: Applicable.

--: Not applicable.

(2) Items to be checked during operations



New installation

Update installation


Common to Windows

With an environment where the Hitachi Web Server service is registered, if an error (such as a registry access error) occurs when you perform an update installation with the same version (overwrite), un-install and then re-install the service.




When you use an installer for installation, make sure that you do not remove the product media from the CD-ROM drive and that you do not terminate the installer forcefully. If you perform these operations, the installation information might become inconsistent and you might not be able to execute subsequent installation and un-installation.




To complete the installation processing, make sure you restart the OS after the installation is complete. Note that even when you un-install the product after installation, restart the OS to complete installation, and then un-install the product.




When you un-install the product, or un-install the component software included in the product, make sure you restart the OS to complete the un-installation.




With the product and component software included in the product, the installation termination processing might take some time. Wait until installation is complete and the control moves to the next window.




If you cancel a process during installation, the installation processing after the cancelled component software is cancelled. The component software for which processing was completed before the cancelled component software remains installed.

Also, even if you cancel a process during un-installation, the un-installation processing after the cancelled component software is cancelled. The component software for which processing was completed before the cancelled component software remains un-installed.




If you un-install the product after executing update installation with the same version multiple times, without un-installing even once along the way, an error occurs and the operation might fail. In this case, execute un-installation once again. Some of the directories and files might not be deleted, but this does not affect the installation process executed the next time.




During installation, the installation processing sometimes hangs up without terminating the conime.exe process invoked from the installer. If the installation processing hangs up with the conime.exe process still existing, use the task manager (Taskmgr.exe) to terminate the running conime.exe process.





Y: Applicable.

--: Not applicable.

(3) Items to be checked after operations



New installation

Update installation


Common to OSs

If installation fails, check the following points:

  • Are there any running services or files and directories that are being accessed?

  • Are the file and directory access permissions being rejected?




When the environment is migrated by performing an update installation to a different version (version upgrade), the directory that was used in the earlier version is inherited and used as the work directory. Make sure you do not delete the earlier work directory version by mistake.




The Administration Agent setup file, adminagent.xml, is overwritten during installation, and the existing file is stored as adminagent.xml.bak. If you are editing and operating adminagent.xml, re-edit the previously edited items in the newly installed file.




The list files subject to snapshot log collection, snapshotlog.conf and snapshotlog.2.conf, are overwritten during installation, and the existing files are stored as snapshotlog.conf.bak, and snapshotlog.2.conf.bak. If you are editing and operating the files subject to snapshot log collection, re-edit the previously edited items in the newly installed files.




Common to Windows

With an environment where the Hitachi Web Server service is registered, the Hitachi Web Server service remains as is after you perform an update installation with the same version (overwrite). The Cosminexus HTTP Server service is not registered.




With an environment where the Hitachi Web Server service is registered, when you perform an update installation (version upgrade) from a version that is different from the Web Server version, the files, directories, and utilities related to the HTML manuals and GUI server management functionality might remain behind without being deleted. These files cannot be used with the updated version.




Common to UNIX

Only a user who has the root permission can update the installation destination directories and files. Therefore, when Component Container Administrator is set up, specify the Component Container Administrator write permission for the following directories and files:

  • /opt/Cosminexus/c4web/attachments directory

  • Files beneath the /opt/Cosminexus/c4web/conf directory

  • /opt/Cosminexus/c4web/logs directory

Also, if the directory for storing the attachments and the directory to output the trace files are specified, set up the attributes of these directories as well.

Note that when you perform an update installation with the same version (overwrite), the directory and file attributes return to the default status. In this case, change the directory and file attributes in accordance with the operations.





Y: Applicable.

--: Not applicable.