
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.4.4 Notes on outputting the configuration and definition information and the system migration

The following are the notes on output of the configuration and definition information, and migration of a set up system.

  1. Execute the cmx_export_model command in the source environment to output the settings of already set up system to Easy Setup definition file.

    Command execution example is as follows: In this example, the name of Easy Setup Definition file to be output is MyWebSystemexport.xml.

    cmx_export_model -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -o MyWebSystemexport.xml-file-path
  2. Execute the cmx_build_model command in the target environment, and set up a system information model from the Easy Setup definition file output in step 1.

    Command execution example is as follows:

    cmx_build_model -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -f MyWebSystemexport.xml-file-path
  3. Execute the cmx_build_system in the target environment, and based on the system information model set up a system containing logical server not associated with the Web system. Command execution example is as follows: If the system to be set up contains logical server associated with the Web system, specify the Web system name in the -s option, and execute the cmx_build_system command again. In the following example, MyWebSystem serves as the Web system.

    • If the system to be set up contains only the logical server not associated with the Web system:

      cmx_build_system -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -ns
    • If the system to be set up contains both, the logical server not associated with the Web system, and the logical server associated with the Web system

      cmx_build_system -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem
      cmx_build_system -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -ns