
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

3.2.3 Applying the memory tuning of Java VM

This subsection describes the procedure to set the memory size of JavaVM for the following main items:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Startup and login of the management portal

Once you have logged in to the management portal, proceed to 2.Setting the memory size of entire Java heap, 3. Setting the memory size of Explicit heap, or 4.Setting the memory size of Metaspac area.

  1. Start the Web browser, connect to http://localhost:28080/mngsvr/index.jsp, and then start the management portal.

  2. Enter "admin" in the management user ID on the Login to Management Server window, and click the Login button.

(2) Setting the memory size of entire Java heap

  1. Click Environment settings of the logical server on the Management Portal window.

  2. On Server view tab click DefaultDomain - Logical J2EE server - J2EE server - MyJ2EEServer, and then click JVM- Startup parameter tab.

  3. Specify the initial size and maximum size for Memory usage in the Setting the Startup Parameter window.

  4. Click the Apply button.

    The message showing the saving of environment settings appears and the memory size of entire Java heap is set up.

  5. Click the Deploy Settings anchor.

    Reference note

    If you click the Back anchor to set up the other items in continuation, you return to the Setting the Startup Parameters window.

  6. On the Deploy Settings window check Deploy of the logical server having the Status as "Blank", and then click the Select and Deploy button.

    Status is changed from "Blank", to "Deploying", and then to "Deployed".

    Reference note

    If you click the Deploy all button, the settings are re-deployed even on the logical server having the Status as "Deployed".

(3) Setting the memory size of Explicit heap

  1. Click Environment settings of the logical server on Management Portal window.

  2. On Server view tab, click DefaultDomain - Logical J2EE server - J2EE server - MyJ2EEServer, and then click JVM- Running Parameter tab.

  3. Specify the maximum size of the explicit heap area in the Explicit Memory Management functionality, on the Setting the Startup Parameter window.

  4. Click the Apply button.

    The message showing the saving of environment settings appears and the memory size of the Explicit heap is set up.

  5. Click the Deploy Settings anchor.

    Reference note

    If you click the Back anchor to set up the other items in continuation, you return to the Setting the Startup Parameters window.

  6. On the Deploy Settings window, insert check mark in Deploy of the logical server having the Status as "Blank", and then click the Select and Deploy button.

    Status changes from "Blank" to "Deploying", and then to "Deployed".

    Reference note

    If you click the Deploy all button, the settings are re-deployed even on the logical server having the Status as "Deployed".

(4) Setting the memory size of Metaspace area

  1. Click Environment settings of the logical server on the Management Portal window.

  2. On Server View tab, click DefaultDomain - Logical J2EE server - J2EE server - MyJ2EEServer, and then click JVM- Running parameter tab.

  3. In Setting the Startup Parameter window, set the following parameters in the Extension startup parameters, and insert check mark in Enable.

    • -XX:MetaspaceSize=Value

    • -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=Value

  4. Click the Apply button.

    The message showing the saving of environment settings appears and the memory size of the Metaspace area is set up.

  5. Click the Deploy Settings anchor.

    Reference note

    If you click the Back anchor to set up the other items in continuation, you return to the Setting the Startup Parameters window.

  6. On the Deploy Settings window, insert check mark in the Deploy of the logical server having the Status as "Blank", and then click the Select and Deploy button.

    The Status changes from "Blank", to "Deploying", and then to "Deployed".

    Reference note

    If you click the Deploy all button, the Settings are re-deployed even on the logical server having the Status as "Deployed".

(5) Restarting the logical server

  1. Click Start/Stop the Logical server on the Management Portal window.

  2. Click DefaultDomain on the Server view tab, and then click the Batch Run tab.

  3. On the Batch run window click the Execute button.

    The request for a batch start is received, and the operational status of logical servers on the Operational Status of the Logical Server window changes from "Operating", to "Stopping", to "Stopped", and then to "Operating".

(6) Logout from the management portal

  1. Click the Logout anchor.

  2. Check the displayed message, click the Login window, and close the Web browser.