
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

2.2.10 Setting and starting the business application (when using GUI)

To start an activity; you must upload the J2EE application on the Management Server, then import, and start. This subsection describes the procedure for uploading, importing, and starting the J2EE applications. Use the management portal for executing these tasks. Note that the business application described in this subsection is J2EE application (application in EAR format or ZIP format) in archive format that contains the cosminexus.xml.

Reference note

For details on the windows used in the description, see 5. Windows, Commands, and Files used in the System Setup and Operations.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Startup and login of the management portal

If you have already logged in to the management portal, proceed to (2) Starting the logical servers as a batch.

  1. Start the Web browser, connect to http://localhost:28080/mngsvr/index.jsp, and start the management portal.

  2. Enter "admin" for the management user ID in the Login Management Server window and click the Login button.

(2) Starting the logical servers as a batch

  1. Click Start/Stop the Logical Server on the Management Portal window.

  2. Click DefaultDomain on the Server view tab.

  3. Confirm the operational status of the logical server in the Operational Status of Logical Servers window.

  4. If the status is "Stopped", click the Batch Start tab. If the status is "Operating", proceed to (3) Business application settings (for GUI).

  5. Click the Execute button in the Batch Start window.

    The request for a batch start is received, and the operational status of the logical servers in the Operational Status of Logical Servers window changes from "Stopped" to "Starting", and then to "Operating".

(3) Business application settings (when using GUI)

  1. Store the obtained J2EE application (MyApp1.ear) in Any-directory of Application Server.

  2. Click Application Management of the Logical Server in the Management Portal window.

  3. Click DefaultDomain.

  4. Enter the J2EE application (MyApp1.ear) stored in Any-directory in step 1 for the J2EE application files in the Upload J2EE Application window. Then click the Upload button.

  5. Check the displayed message, and click the Back anchor.

    If a failure message is displayed, remove the cause of failure, and then upload the J2EE application again.

    The file name (MyApp1.ear) of the J2EE application uploaded in step 4 is displayed in the Upload directory files list.

  6. Click DefaultDomain - Logical J2EE Server - J2EE Server - MyJ2EEServer - Application, and then click the Import tab.

  7. Select the file (MyApp1.ear) uploaded in step 4 from the J2EE application files in the Import J2EE Application window, and then click the Execute button.

  8. Click the Back anchor if "Success" is displayed in the Execution result.

    If "Failure" is displayed in the Execution result, click the Display log tab, check the message in the Display Log window, remove the cause of failure, and then import the J2EE application again.

(4) Starting the business application (when using GUI)

  1. Click Application Management of the Logical Server in the Management Portal window.

  2. Click DefaultDomain - Logical J2EE Server - J2EE Server - MyJ2EEServer - Application, and then click the Start/Stop tab.

  3. Click the Start anchor of Operation for the display name (MyApp) of the J2EE application imported in (3) Business application settings (for GUI), displayed in the Import J2EE applications list in the Start/Stop J2EE Application window.

  4. Click the Yes button on the Start J2EE Application window.

  5. Check the Execution result, and click the Back anchor.

    If "Failure" is displayed in the Execution result, click the Display log tab, check the message in the Display Log window, remove the cause of failure, and then start the J2EE application again.

    If "Success" is displayed in the Execution result, the Status in Start/Stop J2EE Application window changes to "Operating".