
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Network Node Manager i Setup Guide

4.8 Resetting the NNMi configuration and database

If you want to completely restart discovery and redo all of the NNMi configuration, or if the NNMi database has become corrupted, you can reset the NNMi configuration and database. This process deletes all of the NNMi configuration, topology, and incidents.

For details about the commands identified in this procedure, see the appropriate reference pages.

To redo the configuration:

  1. (Optional) If you want to keep any of the current NNMi configuration, use the nnmconfigexport.ovpl command to output the NNMi configuration to an XML file.

    The nnmconfigexport.ovpl command does not retain SNMPv3 credentials. For details, see the nnmconfigexport.ovpl Reference Page.

  2. (Optional) Use the nnmtrimincidents.ovpl command to archive the NNMi incidents.

    Specify the -archiveOnly option because the default is that the nnmtrimincidents.ovpl command does not archive incidents. For details, see the nnmtrimincidents.ovpl Reference Page.

  3. Stop the NNMi services with the following command:

    ovstop -c
  4. (Optional) Back up the existing database.

    Because this procedure deletes the database, before proceeding you might want to use the following command to back up the existing database:

    nnmbackup.ovpl -type offline -target backup-directory
  5. Drop and re-create the NNMi database.

    nnmresetembdb.ovpl -nostart
  6. Start the NNMi services with the following command:

    ovstart -c

    NNMi now has only the default configurations as if you had just installed the product on a new system.

  7. Start configuring NNMi. Do one of the following:

    • Use the Quick Start Configuration Wizard.

    • Enter information into the Configuration workspace on the NNMi console.

    • Use the nnmconfigimport.ovpl command to import some or all of the NNMi configuration that you saved in step 1.


      If you use the nnmconfigimport.ovpl command to import a large number of settings (such as settings for 9,500 node groups and 10,000 incidents), consider using the -timeout option to adjust the import transaction's timeout value to be greater than the default value of 60 minutes (3,600 seconds). For details, see the nnmconfigimport.ovpl Reference Page.