
JP1 Version 12 Network Management: Getting Started

4.3.2 Handling an abnormality in the operating status of a process or service

If an incident reports an abnormality in a process or service, you need to check the location that has the problem, and then take corrective action.


  1. Open the Incident Browsing workspace of the NNMi console, and then check the content of the incident that reported an abnormality in a process or service.

  2. In the Topology Maps workspace, click Network Overview.

  3. After selecting the monitoring target whose failure you want to check, from the Actions menu, click SNMP System Observer, and then click View Monitoring Status.

    The monitoring status display window that displays the resource status and the application status is displayed.

  4. Select the Application Status tab.

    You can identify the application status from the icon color.

    • Green: Normal

    • Yellow: Warning

    • Red: Critical

    • Blue: Unrecognizable


  5. For the process or service that has a problem, take corrective action.

  6. After taking corrective action, change Lifecycle State of the incident to Closed.


You have now successfully taken corrective action for an abnormality in a process or service.