
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

F.2 List of Agent Collector service properties

The following table lists the properties of the Agent Collector service of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications.

Table F‒2: Properties of the Agent Collector service of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications

Folder name

Property name



First Registration Date#1

Displays the first date and time the service was recognized by PFM - Manager.

Last Registration Date#1

Displays the most recent date and time the service was recognized by PFM - Manager.

Data Model Version

Displays the version of data model.



Stores information such as host names and directories. You cannot change properties stored in this folder.


Displays the name of the current directory where the service is running.

Host Name

Displays the name of the physical host where the service is running.

Process ID

Displays the service's process ID.

Physical Address

Displays the IP address and port number of the host where the service is running.

User Name

Displays the name of the user that executed the service process.

Time Zone

Displays the time zone in which the service is used.



Stores information about the operating system where the service is running. You cannot change properties stored in this folder.

CPU Type

Displays the CPU type.

Hardware ID

Displays the hardware ID.

OS Type

Displays the type of operating system.

OS Name

Displays the name of the operating system.

OS Version

Displays the version of the operating system.

Network Services


Stores information about the Performance Management communication common library. You cannot change properties stored in this folder.

Build Date

Displays the creation date of the Agent Collector service.

INI File

Displays the name of the directory containing the jpcns.ini file.

Network Services



Stores information about the service. You cannot change properties stored in this folder.


Displays the host name in the following format:


Local Service Name

Displays the service ID.

Remote Service Name

Displays the service ID of the Agent Store service to which the Agent Collector service connects.

AH Service Name

Displays the service ID of the Action Handler service on the same host.

JP1 Event Configurations


Sets the JP1 event issuance conditions.


Selects either Yes or No from the list item for the Agent Collector, Agent Store, Action Handler, and Status Serve services to specify whether JP1 system events are to be issued for each service.

JP1 Event Send Host

Specifies the connection-target event server name of JP1/Base. The specified server event must be running on the logical host or physical host on the same machine as for the Action Handler service. The permitted value is from 0 to 255 bytes of single-byte characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the period (.), and the hyphen (-). If the specified value is outside the permitted range, the system assumes that no value is specified. If no value is specified, the host on which the Action Handler service is running is assumed to be the host that issues events. If localhost is specified, the system assumes that the physical host is specified.

Monitoring Console Host

Specifies the PFM - Web Console host to be started when PFM - Web Console's browser is started at the time of monitor startup by JP1/IM - Manager. The permitted value is from 0 to 255 bytes of single-byte characters. You can use alphanumeric characters, the period (.), and the hyphen (-). If the specified value is outside the permitted range, the system assumes that no value is specified. If no value is specified, the system assumes the connection-target PFM - Manager host.

Monitoring Console Port

Specifies the port number of the PFM - Web Console that is to be started (HTTP requested port number). The permitted value range is from 1 to 65,535. If the specified value is outside the permitted range, the system assumes that no value is specified. If no value is specified, 20358 is set.

Monitoring Console Https

When PFM - Web Console starts automatically when JP1/IM - Manager monitoring starts, this property specifies whether the connection to PFM - Web Console is to be by encrypted communication that uses https. The default is No.

  • Yes: Connect using encrypted communication

  • No: Connect without using encrypted communication

JP1 Event Configurations


JP1 Event Mode

Sets whether JP1 system events or JP1 user events are to be issued when the alarm status changes.

  • JP1 User Event: Issues JP1 user events.

  • JP1 System Event: Issues JP1 system events.

Detail Records


Stores the properties of records of the PD record type. The record IDs of the collected records are displayed in a bold typeface.

Detail Records



Stores the properties of a record.


Displays a description of the record. You cannot change this property.


Select Yes or No from the list to specify whether the record is to be logged into (stored in) the Store database. If this value is set to Yes and Collection Interval is set to a value greater than 0, the record is logged into the database.


Displays either Yes or No indicating whether records are to be recorded from JP1/SLM - Manager into the Store database of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. Only applicable if PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is linked with JP1/SLM - Manager. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not linked with JP1/SLM - Manager, No is always displayed. This property cannot be changed.


Displays either Yes or No as the setting in JP1/SLM - Manager indicating whether records are to be sent to JP1/SLM - Manager. This is applicable only if PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is linked with JP1/SLM - Manager. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not linked with JP1/SLM - Manager, No is always displayed. This property cannot be changed.

Collection Interval#3

Specifies the data collection interval. You can specify a value from 0 to 2,147,483,647 seconds (inclusive) in increments of 1. If you specify 0 for the property, 0 seconds is assumed, in which case no data is collected.

Collection Offset#3

Specifies the offset value (in seconds) for starting data collection. The specified value must not exceed the value specified for Collection Interval and must be in the range from 0 to 32,767 seconds (inclusive). The storage time for data collection does not depend on the Collection Offset value and is the same time as the Collection Interval.

Over 10 Sec Collection Time

Displayed only when collection of history data takes priority over display of real-time reports (when the history collection priority function is enabled). Yes or No is displayed depending on whether record collection will require at least 10 seconds:

  • Yes: Might require 10 seconds or more

  • No: Will require less than 10 seconds

This property cannot be changed.

Realtime Report Data Collection Mode

Displayed only when collection of history data takes priority over display of real-time reports (when the history collection priority function is enabled).

Specifies the real-time report display mode:

  • Reschedule: Reschedule mode

  • Temporary Log: Temporary log mode

The temporary log mode (Temporary Log) must be specified for records for which the value of Over 10 Sec Collection Time is Yes.


Specifies the conditions for storing records in the database. Only records that satisfy the conditions are stored in the database. This property displays the conditional expression (character string) that was created in the LOGIF Expression Editor window, which is displayed by clicking LOGIF in the lower frame of the service property window, which is displayed by clicking the Services tab in PFM - Web Console.

Interval Records


Stores the properties of records of the PI record type. The record IDs of the collected records are displayed in a bold typeface.

Interval Records



Stores the properties of a record.


Displays a description of the record. You cannot change this property.


Select Yes or No from the list to specify whether the record is to be logged into (stored in) the Store database. If this property is set to Yes and Collection Interval is set to a value greater than 0, the record is logged into the database.


Displays either Yes or No indicating whether records are to be recorded from JP1/SLM - Manager into the Store database of PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. This is applicable only if PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is linked with JP1/SLM - Manager. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not linked with JP1/SLM - Manager, No is always displayed. This property cannot be changed.


Displays either Yes or No as the setting in JP1/SLM - Manager indicating whether records are to be sent to JP1/SLM - Manager. This is applicable only if PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is linked with JP1/SLM - Manager. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not linked with JP1/SLM - Manager, No is always displayed. This property cannot be changed.

Collection Interval

Sets the data collection interval. You can specify a value from 0 to 2,147,483,647 seconds (inclusive) in increments of 1. If you specify 0 for the property, 0 seconds is assumed, in which case no data is collected.

Collection Offset

Sets the offset value (in seconds) for starting data collection. The specified value must not exceed the value specified for Collection Interval and must be in the range from 0 to 32,767 seconds (inclusive). The storage time for data collection does not depend on the Collection Offset value and is the same time as the Collection Interval.

Over 10 Sec Collection Time

Displayed only when collection of history data takes priority over display of real-time reports (when the history collection priority function is enabled). Yes or No is displayed depending on whether record collection will require at least 10 seconds:

  • Yes: Might require 10 seconds or more

  • No: Will require less than 10 seconds

This property cannot be changed.

Realtime Report Data Collection Mode

Displayed only when collection of history data takes priority over display of real-time reports (when the history collection priority function is enabled).

Specifies the real-time report display mode:

  • Reschedule: Reschedule mode

  • Temporary Log: Temporary log mode

The temporary log mode (Temporary Log) must be specified for records for which the value of Over 10 Sec Collection Time is Yes.


Sets the conditions for storing records in the database. Only records that satisfy the conditions are stored in the database. This property displays the conditional expression (character string) that was created in the LOGIF Expression Editor window, which is displayed by clicking LOGIF in the lower frame of the service property window, which is displayed by clicking the Services tab in PFM - Web Console.

Log Records


Stores the properties of records of the PL record type. Because PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications does not support this record type, do not use this property.

Restart Configurations


Sets automatic restart conditions for PFM services. This property is supported by PFM - Manager and PFM - Base 09-00 or later. For details about the automatic PFM service restart function, see the chapter that describes the functions of Performance Management in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

Restart when Abnormal Status

Sets whether services are to be restarted automatically if the Status Server service cannot acquire the status of Action Handler, Agent Collector, and Agent Store services successfully.

Restart when Single Service Running

Sets whether the other service is to be restarted automatically if only the Agent Store service or Agent Collector service is running.

Restart Configurations

Action Handler

Auto Restart

Sets whether the automatic restart function is to be used on the Action Handler service.

Auto Restart - Interval (Minutes)

Sets the interval at which the service status is to be checked if the automatic restart function is used. The permitted value is in the range from 1 through 1,440 minutes, which can only be set in minutes.

Auto Restart - Repeat Limit

Sets an integer from 1 through 10 specifying the number of times the restart is to be retried consecutively if the automatic restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart

Sets whether the scheduled restart function is to be used on the Action Handler service by selecting either Yes or No from the list item.

Scheduled Restart - Interval

Sets an integer from 1 through 1,000 as the restart interval if the scheduled restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart - Interval Unit

Sets the unit for restart interval by selecting Hour, Day, Week, or Month from the list items if the scheduled restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Year

Specifies an integer in the range from 1971 to 2035 as the year in which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Month

Specifies an integer in the range from 1 to 12 as the month in which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Day

Specifies an integer in the range from 1 to 31 as the day of the month on which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Hour

Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 23 as the time (hour) at which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Minute

Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 59 as the time (minute) at which restart is to be executed.

Agent Collector

Auto Restart

Sets whether the automatic restart function is to be used on the Agent Collector service.

Auto Restart - Interval (Minutes)

Sets an interval at which the service status is to be checked if the automatic restart function is used. The permitted value is in the range from 1 through 1,440 minutes, which can only be set in minutes.

Auto Restart - Repeat Limit

Sets an integer from 1 through 10 as the number of times the restart is to be retried consecutively if the automatic restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart

Sets whether the scheduled restart function is to be used on the Agent Collector service by selecting either Yes or No from the list item.

Scheduled Restart - Interval

Sets an integer from 1 through 1,000 as the restart interval if the scheduled restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart - Interval Unit

Sets the unit for restart interval by selecting Hour, Day, Week, or Month from the list items if the scheduled restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Year

Specifies an integer in the range from 1971 to 2035 as the year in which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Month

Specifies an integer in the range from 1 to 12 as the month in which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Day

Specifies an integer in the range from 1 to 31 as the day of the month on which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Hour

Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 23 as the time (hour) at which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Minute

Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 59 as the time (minute) at which restart is to be executed.

Agent Store

Auto Restart

Sets whether the automatic restart function is to be used on the Agent Store service.

Auto Restart - Interval (Minute)

Sets an interval at which the service status is to be checked if the automatic restart function is used. The permitted value is in the range from 1 through 1,440 minutes, which can only be set in minutes.

Auto Restart - Repeat Limit

Sets an integer from 1 through 10 as the number of times the restart is to be retried consecutively if the automatic restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart

Sets whether the scheduled restart function is to be used on the Agent Store service by selecting either Yes or No from the list item.

Scheduled Restart - Interval

Sets an integer from 1 through 1,000 as the restart interval if the scheduled restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart - Interval Unit

Sets the unit for restart interval by selecting Hour, Day, Week, or Month from the list items if the scheduled restart function is used.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Year

Specifies an integer in the range from 1971 to 2035 as the year in which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Month

Specifies an integer in the range from 1 to 12 as the month in which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Day

Specifies an integer in the range from 1 to 31 as the day of the month on which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Hour

Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 23 as the time (hour) at which restart is to be executed.

Scheduled Restart - Origin - Minute

Specifies an integer in the range from 0 to 59 as the time (minute) at which restart is to be executed.

ITSLM Connection Configuration


Displays information about the link to JP1/SLM - Manager, if there is a connection to one.

ITSLM Connection Configuration

ITSLM Connection


Displays information about the connection -target JP1/SLM - Manager.


Displays the host name of connected JP1/SLM - Manager. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not connected to JP1/SLM - Manager, this property is not displayed.


Displays the port number of connected JP1/SLM - Manager. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not connected to JP1/SLM - Manager, this property is not displayed.



Sets whether JP1/SLM - Manager is to be disconnected.


Selects the host name of the JP1/SLM - Manager that is to be disconnected from a list of items. If the null character is selected from the list, nothing is done. If PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications is not connected to JP1/SLM - Manager, only the null character is displayed in the list.



Stores the properties for the settings of PFM - Agent specific to SAP system.




Displays an overview of the SAP system being monitored. You cannot change properties stored in this directory.


Displays the ID of the SAP system being monitored.


Displays the name of the SAP instance being monitored.



Displays information needed to connect to the SAP system. You cannot change properties stored in this folder.


Displays the host name of the connection-target application server. Normally, the name of the local host is displayed.


Displays the system number of the SAP system.


Displays the client name to which the SAP user belongs (system number assigned to the connection-target dialog instance).


Displays the SAP user name.


Displays whether an extended password is to be used to connect to the SAP system.

  • Y: Uses an extended password.

  • N: Does not use an extended password.


Displays asterisks (*) for the password of the SAP user.


Displays the language of the SAP user or of the connection-target SAP system. It is always EN.


Displays the code page that is used to connect to the SAP system. This information is always blank.



Displays the operating mode of the Agent Collector service. You cannot change properties stored in this folder.


Displays when the SAP system is to be connected:

  • Y: Connect to the SAP system only when performance data is collected. In this case, the Agent Collector service is started regardless of the operating status of the SAP system during connection establishment.

  • N: Connect to the SAP system when the Agent Collector service starts. In this case, the Agent Collector service is not started if the SAP system is inactive during connection establishment.


Displays whether the SAP system is to remain connected after collection of performance data is completed. It is always Y.

  • Y: Maintain the connection.

  • N: Do not maintain the connection.



Specifies the monitor set name for the SAP system monitor information that is to be the monitoring target for User defined Monitor (Perf.) (PI_UMP) records.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 60 bytes of alphanumeric characters.


Specifies the monitor set name for the SAP system monitor information that is to be the monitoring target for User defined Monitor (Perf.) (PI_UMP) records.

You can specify a character string of 1 to 60 bytes of alphanumeric characters.


--: Not applicable


If you display the Properties - [Service] dialog box from the Performance Management - View window, the First Registration Date and Last Registration Date properties are not displayed. To view these property values, display the Properties - [Service] dialog box from the Administration Tool window.


The folder name shows the record ID without the database ID. For details about the record ID of each record, see Chapter 10. Records.


If Sync Collection With is displayed, neither Collection Interval nor Collection Offset is displayed.