
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Microsoft(R) SQL Server

3.3.2 Installation and setup workflow

The following figure shows the flow of installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Microsoft SQL Server for logical host use in a cluster system.

Figure 3‒5:  Flow of installing and setting up PFM - Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a cluster system



The definition of PFM - Agent is not inherited from a physical host environment to a logical host environment even when you set up PFM - Agent in a logical host environment. A new environment is created when you build an instance environment in either logical host environment or physical host environment.

Note that for setup commands that require user input, you can select whether to execute such commands interactively or non-interactively.

If you execute a setup command interactively, you need to enter values according to command directives.

If you execute a setup command non-interactively, user input during command execution is not required because such input can be provided instead through values in option specifications or in definition files. Also, batch processing or remote execution can automate setup operations to reduce administrator workload and operating costs. Non-interactive commands are useful for the following cases:

For details about commands, see the chapter that explains the commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.