
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Microsoft(R) SQL Server Description, User's Guide and Reference

1.1.1 Monitor the multiple target hosts agentlessly

PFM - RM for Microsoft SQL Server remotely monitors the Microsoft SQL Server performance.

This "remote monitoring" means the function for the other hosts than the Microsoft SQL Server hosts to monitor the Microsoft SQL Server operating status even though you do not install any agent programs on the monitoring target Microsoft SQL Server hosts.

Since the installation of PFM - RM for Microsoft SQL Server on the monitored host is not required, you can monitor the performance data without changing the system configuration of the target server (or host). One PFM - RM for Microsoft SQL Server can monitor the performance data of the multiple Microsoft SQL Server hosts.

Note that in Performance Management the target host of PFM - RM for Microsoft SQL Server is called "monitored host".

For details about the supported Microsoft SQL Server programs, see 2.1.1(4)(a) Programs that can be monitored.