
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Virtual Machine Description, User's Guide and Reference

7.3.2 Log file and folder list

This subsection explains the log information that is output by Performance Management programs. For details about the name of the output destination file for the operation status log and the file size, see the chapter that explains error detection in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Common message log

For details about the common message log, see the chapter that describes details on log information in the JP1/Performance Management User's Guide.

(2) Trace log

Of the five types of log information that are output by Performance Management, the table below shows the service name or control name that outputs the trace log of PFM - RM for Virtual Machine, and the folder name at the destination where the log is saved.

Table 7‒9: Trace log storage folder name

Log information type

Output source

Folder name

Trace log

Action Handler service


Performance Management command


Remote Monitor Collector service


Remote Monitor Store service


Status Server service


Trace log

(in logical host environment)

Action Handler service


Performance Management command


Remote Monitor Collector service


Remote Monitor Store service



The environment folder is a folder that was specified on the shared disk when the logical host was created.

(3) Collected log

Of the five types of log information that are output by Performance Management, the table below shows log file names, disk usage, and the service name or control name that outputs the collected log of PFM - RM for Virtual Machine.

A collected log is created for each monitoring target.

Table 7‒10: Collected log files

Log information type

Output source

Output destination

File name

Default disk usage#1 (megabytes)

Regular log

PFM - RM for Virtual Machine







Regular log

(in logical host environment)

PFM - RM for Virtual Machine

environment-folder#3 \jp1pc\agt8\agent\instance-name\log\



environment-folder#3 \jp1pc\agt8\agent\instance-name\targets\monitoring-targetname\log\




The maximum file size of the collected log can be checked or modified using the following procedures:

  • Execute the jpcconf inst setup command.

  • View the Remote Monitor Configuration property in the PFM - Web Console window.

For details about the procedure that uses the jpcconf inst setup command, see 2.4.2 Updating an instance environment.


The collected log uses the wrap-around file method. This method adds data to the latest log, without deleting the existing log. When the file size of a log exceeds the specified size, a new file with the log file number incremented by one is created. When the maximum number of logs that can be generated is reached (fixed at 8), the first file is overwritten.


The environment folder is a folder that was specified on the shared disk when the logical host was created.