
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Virtual Machine Description, User's Guide and Reference

2.4.3 Updating monitoring targets

To update a monitoring target, check the name of the monitoring target, and then update the information about the monitoring target. Set the new information about the monitoring target on the PFM - RM host.

The table below lists and describes the information items that can be updated. Check the items that you want to change beforehand.

Table 2‒13: Setting items for a monitoring target of PFM - RM for Virtual Machine



Value that can be set

Default value

Target Host

Specifies the host name of a monitoring-target physical server. Make sure that the host name can resolve to an IP address.#1

The specified value is used for collection of performance information and for health checks. For linkage with JP1/IM, the specified value is also used as the event host name.

A character string that is 32 bytes long and consists of only single-byte alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-) can be specified.

However, a value that begins with a hyphen (-) cannot be specified.

Make sure that you specify a value that is unique within the instance.#2

Previous setting


Specifies the host name of a monitoring-target physical server. Specify this item if the destination host has already been created with a name that cannot be specified for Target Host.

In the case of logical partitioning feature, an IP address can be specified.

The specified value is used for collection of performance information. If no value is specified for this item, the value specified by Target Host is used to perform collection of performance information.

Character string not exceeding 256 bytes. Note that the following character cannot be used:

  • Tab character

In the case of VMware, specify a character string consisting of single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and periods (.).

You cannot use a host name that contains underscores (_).

The IP address of a host with logical partitioning feature is specified in the following IPv4 format:


Previous setting


Specifies whether to use SSL for communication with the monitoring-target physical server.


  • For VMware and Docker environment:

    0: SSL/TLS is not used.

    0 cannot be specified, must use SSL/TLS connection.

    1: SSL/TLS is used.

    If there is a problem with the server certificate, performance data continues to be collected, and a warning message is output to the common message log. When the warning message is output, you must change the invalid certificate to a valid one.

    2: SSL/TLS is used.

    If there is a problem with the server certificate, performance data continues to be collected, but a warning message is not output to the common message log.

    If the default certificate of VMware is used for operation, output of warning messages can be suppressed by specifying the value 2.

    If you want operation without using the server certificate of Docker environment, specify the value 2 so that a warning message can be prevented from outputting.

    3: SSL/TLS is used.

    If there is a problem with the server certificate, performance data is not collected, and a warning message is output to the common message log.

    If you want to use a valid certificate for operation and collect performance data only from trusted monitoring targets, specify the value 3.

  • For Hyper-V, logical partitioning feature, KVM, and Podman environment:

    SSL/TLS cannot be used, so ignores the value of this item is always assumed to be 0.

Previous setting


Specifies the port number that is used for communication with the monitoring-target physical server.


  • For VMware:

    If 0 is specified, 443 (HTTPS default port number)

  • For logical partitioning feature:

    The fixed port number 623 is used. This port number cannot be changed.

    Even if a value other than 623 is specified for this item, the port number 623 will be assumed.

  • For KVM:

    If 0 is specified, 22 (SSH default port number) will be assumed.

  • For Docker environment:

    Specify the port number used for connection. If 0 is specified, performance data is not collected and a warning message is output to the common message log.

  • For Podman environment:

    If 0 is specified, 22 (SSH default port number) will be assumed.

Previous setting


Specifies the user ID that is used to connect to the monitoring-target physical server.#3

Character string not exceeding 256 bytes. Note that the following character cannot be used:

  • Tab character

Previous setting


Specifies the password that is used to connect to the monitoring-target physical server. The character string entered for this item is not displayed. This item requires you to enter a value twice.

If the monitoring target uses VMware and you specify a password that includes special characters, make sure that you specify a sanitized string.

Character string not exceeding 256 bytes. Note that the following character cannot be used:

  • Tab character

Previous setting


Specifies the name of the domain that the monitoring-target physical server belongs to.

If the server belongs to a work group, you do not need to specify this item.

If the monitoring target uses VMware, KVM, logical partitioning feature, Docker environment, or Podman environment, you do not need to specify this item.

Character string not exceeding 256 bytes. Note that the following character cannot be used:

  • Tab character

Previous setting


Specifies the absolute path name of the private key file that is used for SSH public key encryption.

You do not need to enclose the path name in double quotation marks (") even if it includes spaces.

Character string not exceeding 256 bytes. Note that the following character cannot be used:

  • Tab character

Previous setting


The first thing you must do before you can perform collection of performance information and do health checks is to ensure that the PFM - RM host name can resolve to an IP address. To use the JP1/IM linkage facility, the JP1/IM host name must be resolvable to an IP address.


The string All, which is a reserved word for group agents, cannot be used.


If the monitoring-target virtual environment uses VMware, the account you specify must have a Read-only or a higher VMware role. For details about how to specify the role settings, see the VMware documentation.

For the permission required for the account to be specified if the monitoring-target virtual environment uses Hyper-V, see the notes in 2.5.2 For Hyper-V.

If the monitoring-target virtual environment uses KVM, always log in as superuser. For details about how to specify settings after login and notes, see 2.5.3 For KVM.

If the monitoring-target virtual environment uses Podman environment, always log in as superuser. The container (rootless container) of a general user cannot be monitored.

For details about how to specify settings after login and notes, see 2.5.5 For Podman environment.

Note that the items that must be specified during setup of a monitoring target differ depending on the virtual environment. Therefore, the items that can be updated also differ depending on the virtual environment. The following table shows the updatable items for each virtual environment.

Table 2‒14: Updatable items of a monitoring target for each virtual environment


Virtual environment




Docker environment

Podman environment

logical partitioning feature

Target Host

























































Y: Can be updated

--: Updating is not necessary because the setting has no effect on the PFM - RM for Virtual Machine operation

To check the name of the monitoring target that you want to update, use the jpcconf target list command. To update the monitoring target, use the jpcconf target setup command.

The following procedure shows how to update a monitoring target. To update multiple monitoring targets, repeat this procedure:

  1. Check the name of the monitoring target that you want to update.

    To display the names of monitoring targets for instance inst1, execute the jpcconf target list command by specifying the service key that indicates PFM - RM for Virtual Machine.

    jpcconf target list -key RMVM -inst inst1

    If the only monitoring target that is set is targethost1, the command displays targethost1.

  2. If you change the name of the monitored host (Target Host), use the jpctool alarm unbind command to unbind the bound alarm table.

    To unbind an alarm table with the alarm table name of alarmtable1 from the monitored host with the service ID of 8Atargethost1, execute the following command:

    jpctool alarm unbind -key RMVM -table alarmtable1 -id 8Atargethost1
  3. Execute the jpcconf target setup command by specifying the service key that indicates PFM - RM for Virtual Machine, the instance name, and the name of the monitoring target.

  4. Update the information about the monitoring target of PFM - RM for Virtual Machine.

    Specify values for the items indicated in Table 2-14. The current value is displayed for each item in the initial status. To accept the displayed value, just press the return key. When all entries are completed, the monitoring target is updated.

  5. If you unbound the alarm table in step 2, execute the jpctool alarm bind command to bind the alarm table.

    To bind the alarm table with the alarm table name of alarmtable1 with the monitored host with the service ID of 8Atargethost1, execute the following command:

    jpctool alarm bind -key RMVM -table alarmtable1 -id 8Atargethost1

For details about commands, see the chapter on commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.