
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

C. List of Identifiers

To operate PFM - RM for Platform or to extract performance data from the Store database of PFM - RM for Platform, identifiers might be required so that the system can identify PFM - RM for Platform. The following table shows the PFM - RM for Platform identifiers.

Table C‒1: Identifiers of PFM - RM for Platform






Product ID

Commands, etc.

The product ID is part of the service ID. The service ID is required when you use commands to check the configuration of the Performance Management system and when you back up performance data. For details about service IDs, see the naming rules provided in the appendix in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

RMPlatform or agt7

Service key

This identifier is needed in order to use commands to start and stop PFM - RM for Platform. For details about service keys, see the naming rules provided in the appendix in the JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide.

RM Platform

Product name

Display in GUI, etc.

The product name identifies the product and is used to display information in the PFM - Web Console windows.


Help ID


This is the identifier for the PFM - RM for Platform Help.