
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

Organization of report directories

The following shows the organization of the report directories for PFM - RM for Platform. Angle brackets enclose directory names.

+-- <RM Platform>
    +-- <Monthly Trend>
    |   +-- CPU Used Status
    |   +-- CPU Used Status (Multi-Agent)
    |   +-- Memory Used Status (Multi-Agent)
    |   +-- Memory Used Status (Multi-Agent) (6.0)
    +-- <Status Reporting>
    |   +-- <Daily Trend>
    |   |   +-- CPU Used Status (Multi-Agent)
    |   |   +-- Memory Paging Status
    |   |   +-- Memory Paging Status (6.0)
    |   |   +-- Memory Used Status
    |   |   +-- Memory Used Status (6.0)
    |   |   +-- Memory Used Status (Multi-Agent)
    |   |   +-- Memory Used Status (Multi-Agent) (6.0)
    |   +-- <Real-Time>
    |   |   +-- Avg Disk Time Status
    |   |   +-- CPU Used Status
    |   |   +-- Free Megabytes - Logical Disk
    +-- <Troubleshooting>
        +-- <Real-Time>
        |   +-- CPU Per Processor Status
        |   +-- Memory Paging Status
        |   +-- Memory Paging Status (6.0)
        |   +-- Memory Used Status
        |   +-- Memory Used Status (6.0)
        |   +-- Network Data
        |   +-- Physical Disk Busy Status
        |   +-- Pool Nonpaged Status
        |   +-- Pool Nonpaged Status (6.0)
        |   +-- System Overview
        |   +-- System Overview (6.0)
        |   +-- Application Status
        |   +-- <Drillidown Only>
        |       +-- Application Process Status
        +-- <Recent Past>
            +-- Avg Disk Time Status
            +-- CPU Used Status
            +-- Free Megabytes - Logical Disk
            +-- Memory Paging Status
            +-- Memory Paging Status (6.0)
            +-- Memory Used Status
            +-- Memory Used Status (6.0)
            +-- Network Data
            +-- Physical Disk Busy Status
            +-- Pool Nonpaged Status
            +-- Pool Nonpaged Status (6.0)
            +-- System Overview
            +-- System Overview (6.0)
            +-- Target Host Status
            +-- <Drillidown Only>
                +-- Application Process Count

The following describes each directory.

Monthly Trend directory

This directory contains reports that display daily information for the past month. Use the reports in this directory to check monthly trends in the system.

Status Reporting directory

This directory contains reports that display daily information. Use the reports in this directory to check the overall status of the system. You can display real-time reports as well as historical reports.

Daily Trend directory

This directory contains reports for displaying hourly information for the past 24 hours. Use the reports in this directory to check the daily status of the system.

Real-Time directory

This directory contains real-time reports for checking the system status.

Troubleshooting directory

This directory contains reports for displaying information that is useful for resolving problems. In the event of a system problem, use the reports in this directory to check the cause of the problem.

Real-Time directory

This directory contains real-time reports for checking the current system status.

Recent Past directory

This directory contains historical reports for displaying minute-by-minute information for the past hour.

These directories also contain the following directory:

Drillidown Only directory

This directory contains a report that is displayed as a drilldown (field level) report. It is used to display the detailed information related to the fields of the main report.