
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management Reference

Suggestion definition file (imdd_suggestion_arbitrary-character-string.conf)

Organization of this page


The suggestion definition file defines suggestion information (suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response actions) used in JP1/IM2. The model file for suggestion definitions (suggestion template) is provided to you when you install JP1/IM2.

You can define suggestion information that is displayed for an IM management node (monitoring agent) of Performance Management by creating a suggestion definition file for each Performance Management use case to be applied.

For details on the format of the suggestion definition file and file permissions, see the JP1/IM2 manual or document.

Name of file

- Suggestion definition file


- Suggestion template

  • Model file of the suggestion definition file for use case 1

    imdd_suggestion_pfm_cpu_event_ja.conf.model (Japanese)

    imdd_suggestion_pfm_cpu_event_en.conf.model (English)

  • Model file of the suggestion definition file for use case 2

    imdd_suggestion_pfm_set_status_of_events_to_processed_ja.conf.model (Japanese)

    imdd_suggestion_pfm_set_status_of_events_to_processed_en.conf.model (English)

  • Model file of the suggestion definition file for use case 3

    imdd_suggestion_pfm_suspend_monitoring_ja.conf.model (Japanese)

    imdd_suggestion_pfm_suspend_monitoring_en.conf.model (English)


- Suggestion definition file

A suggestion definition file derived from the suggestion template is stored in a given location.

- Suggestion template

When you install JP1/IM2, suggestion templates are stored in the following location.

In Windows:
  • For physical hosts:

    installation-folder-of-JP1/IM2\conf\imdd\suggestion\template\ja (For Japanese)

    installation-folder-of-JP1/IM2\conf\imdd\suggestion\template\en (For English)

  • For logical hosts:

    environment-directory\jp1imm\conf\imdd\suggestion\template\ja (For Japanese)

    environment-directory\jp1imm\conf\imdd\suggestion\template\en (For English)

  • For physical hosts:

    /var/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/suggestion/template/ja (For Japanese)

    /var/opt/jp1imm/conf/imdd/suggestion/template/en (For English)

  • For logical hosts:

    environment-directory/jp1imm/conf/imdd/suggestion/template/ja (For Japanese)

    environment-directory/jp1imm/conf/imdd/suggestion/template/en (For English)

Timing of applying definition information

With JP1/IM2 commands, you need to apply the suggestion definition file derived from the suggestion template to the JP1/IM2 system. For details on the commands used to apply the suggestion definition file to the JP1/IM2 system, see the manuals or documents on JP1/IM2.

Suggestion template

A suggestion template is a template for creating the suggestion definition file. The following provides an overview of the suggestion template for each use case of Performance Management.

- Suggestion template for use case 1

The suggestion template for use case 1 enables suggestion information 1 and suggestion information 2 to be suggested when an event indicating skyrocketing CPU usage on a monitoring host is issued by Performance Management. The statuses of current events are determined automatically, and suggestions to show the report for identifying the causal process or change the status of the event that has gone back to normal to Processed are made, allowing the user to take action based on the CPU usage and the event status.

  • Suggestion information 1

    It shows a report of Performance Management to identify the process of the cause when an event indicating skyrocketing CPU usage is found.

  • Suggestion information 2

    It changes the response status of the event in normal status to Processed when an event that showed skyrocketing CPU usage was issued, but the status of the alarm that monitors the CPU usage has currently gone back to normal.

The following table shows suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response actions of suggestion information 1 and suggestion information 2.

Table 4‒22: Suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response actions of suggestion information 1 and suggestion information 2


Suggestion information 1

Suggestion information 2

Suggestion display criteria


IM management node that corresponds to performance data of PFM - Agent for Platform

IM management node that corresponds to performance data of PFM - Agent for Platform

User permissions

  • Administrator user of Performance Management (JP1 user operating permissions: JP1_PFM_Admin)

  • General user of Performance Management (JP1 user operating permissions: JP1_PFM_Operator)

Administrator user of Performance Management (JP1 user operating permissions: JP1_PFM_Admin)

Suggestion activation criteria

The alarm that monitors CPU usage currently indicates the status of a warning or error.

The following two criteria are met:

  • An event that showed skyrocketing CPU usage was issued within the past 24 hours from the current time (the time when the suggestion activation criteria were checked).

  • The status of the alarm for the above event is now back to normal.

Response action

A report of processes with high CPU usage is displayed.

The response status of the event indicating skyrocketing CPU usage is changed to Processed.


  • In events that were issued within the past 24 hours from the time when the suggestion activation criteria were checked, their status is changed to Processed.

    Note that you can change the target period by customizing the suggestion template.

  • In JP1 events that meet one of the following criteria, their status is not changed to Processed:

    - Monitoring of the agent that issued the event is suspended.

    - PFM - Manager cannot communicate with the agent that issued the event.

    - With a function of JP1/IM2, the severity level of the event is changed to a level other than Warning and Error.

    - With a function of JP1/IM2, the event is not specified as a severe event.

  • If many events whose statuses are considered to be yellow or orange are registered in the IM management node, it might take time to evaluate the suggestion activation criteria.

  • If using the following functions in JP1/IM2, customize the suggestion activation condition for when type is eventCount, taking into consideration the event attributes granted or changed by each function.

    - Function for adding attributes

    - Function for changing severity levels

    - Function for defining severe events

    - Function for releasing severe events

    - Function for deleting severe events

    - Function for changing display messages

- Suggestion template for use case 2

The suggestion template for use case 2 enables suggestion information 3 to be suggested if the alarm for an event issued by Performance Management or the status of the agent is back to normal. Events back in the normal status are determined automatically, and the user can change the response status of the events back in the normal status to Processed all at once, thus eliminating misoperation by the user and saving on operation time.

  • Suggestion information 3

    If a Performance Management alarm event or a status change event for an agent was issued, but the status of the alarm or agent has currently gone back to normal, the response statuses of all the events in normal status are changed to Processed at once.

The following table shows the suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response action of suggestion information 3.

Table 4‒23: Suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response action of suggestion information 3


Suggestion information 3

Suggestion display criteria


IM management node that corresponds to one of the following components of Performance Management:

  • PFM - Manager

  • Performance data of PFM - Agent instance

  • Performance data of remote agent

  • Group agent

User permissions

Administrator user of Performance Management (JP1 user operating permissions: JP1_PFM_Admin)

Suggestion activation criteria

The following two criteria are met:

  • A Performance Management alarm event or an agent's status change event having the Warning or Error severity level was issued within the past 24 hours from the current time.

  • The status of the alarm or agent for the above event is now back to normal.

Response action

The response status of the alarm event or of the status change event for the agent in normal status is changed to Processed.


  • In events that were issued within the past 24 hours from the time when the suggestion activation criteria were checked, their status is changed to Processed.

    Note that you can change the target period by customizing the suggestion template.

  • If the current time is not within the alarm evaluating hours or if the alarm is temporarily recovered to normal when a user changes the alarm definition, the status of the JP1 event is changed to Processed.

  • In JP1 events that meet one of the following criteria, their status is not changed to Processed:

    - The alarm table configured in an extended attribute is unbound, or the alarm is deleted.

    - The alarm configured as an extended attribute is currently disabled (in an inactive state).

    - The alarm configured in an extended attribute is the one for which the State changes for each record instance is selected, and one or more instances are not recovered to the normal status.

    - Monitoring of the agent that issued the event is suspended.

    - PFM - Manager cannot communicate with the agent that issued the event.

    - With a function of JP1/IM2, the severity level of the event is changed to a level other than Warning and Error.

    - With a function of JP1/IM2, the event is not specified as a severe event.

  • If many events whose statuses are considered to be yellow or orange are registered in the IM management node, it might take time to evaluate the suggestion activation criteria.

- Suggestion template for use case 3

The suggestion template for use case 3 enables suggestion information 4 and suggestion information 5 to be suggested when a large number of events are issued during maintenance of a monitoring host in Performance Management. The number of issued events during maintenance is determined automatically, and the suspension of monitoring during maintenance and the resumption of it after maintenance is finished are suggested, and thus a user can suspend monitoring of the target host in a JP1/IM2 window if the user performs maintenance of the host without suspending the monitoring. The user can also resume the monitoring in a JP1/IM2 window.

  • Suggestion information 4

    If a large number of events are issued during maintenance of a monitoring host in Performance Management, monitoring is suspended during maintenance not to issue any JP1 events.

  • Suggestion information 5

    If the monitoring status of a monitoring host in Performance Management is suspended, the monitoring is resumed after the maintenance is finished.

The following table shows suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response actions of suggestion information 4 and suggestion information 5.

Table 4‒24: Suggestion display criteria, suggestion activation criteria, and response actions of suggestion information 4 and suggestion information 5


Suggestion information 4

Suggestion information 5

Suggestion display criteria


IM management node that corresponds to one of the following components of Performance Management:

  • Service of PFM - Agent instance

  • Performance data of PFM - Agent instance

  • PFM - RM instance

  • Service of remote agent

  • Performance data of remote agent

IM management node that corresponds to one of the following components of Performance Management:

  • Service of PFM - Agent instance

  • Performance data of PFM - Agent instance

  • PFM - RM instance

  • Service of remote agent

  • Performance data of remote agent

User permissions

Administrator user of Performance Management (JP1 user operating permissions: JP1_PFM_Admin)

Administrator user of Performance Management (JP1 user operating permissions: JP1_PFM_Admin)

Suggestion activation criteria

The host is not in the Suspended monitoring status, and one of the following criteria is met:

  • Two or more JP1 events for the Performance Management health check indicating that the host has stopped were issued within the past one hour from the current time.

  • Three or more JP1 system events for the Performance Management alarm having the Error severity level were issued within the past 30 minutes from the current time.

  • Three or more JP1 user events for the Performance Management alarm having the Error severity level were issued within the past 30 minutes from the current time.

The host is in the Suspended monitoring status.

Response action

Monitoring of a host is suspended on a host basis.


  • If many events whose statuses are considered to be yellow or orange are registered in the IM management node, it might take time to evaluate the suggestion activation criteria.

  • If using the following functions in JP1/IM2, customize the suggestion activation condition for when type is eventCount, taking into consideration the event attributes granted or changed by each function.

    - Function for adding attributes

    - Function for changing severity levels

    - Function for defining severe events

    - Function for releasing severe events

    - Function for deleting severe events

    - Function for changing display messages

Monitoring of a host is resumed on a host basis.